These parasites - in this thread I'll explain why this is precisely what they are - are behind literally every single ill in our society and our politics and are what prevents us making progress
* spies are obsessed with activism, because
* activism CAN create change & they're desperate to sabotage that, because
* change = risk to their supremacy & they hate that because
* their supremacy = $$$
Politicians are targets by default. These days, politicians ARE the spies.
Spies target devs, startups & buy CEO's.
They pass legislation to protect themselves from being held accountable for their crimes while committing every crime that exists, daily.
The spies ARE corporations
They start corporations, sit on the boards of corporations, launder public $$$ into the coffers of corporations & have back-door access to corp data
From "you're so clever/wonderful", "I love you" to "it's just our secret/no one can know", it's a sick travesty perpetuated on a daily basis
Get it yet? No one is safe from them
These people are mass murderers on an unimaginable scale.
They are war criminals. They are anti-life.
Since then, I have realised that these agencies don't need to be reined in, they need to be decommissioned entirely.
War is the greatest threat to the environment. War can't happen without intelligence agencies & their targeting systems.
Care about economics? The banks? The spies have that jacked too.
Privacy? Spies are the ultimate violators of privacy.
Campaign against austerity and privatisation? Well who do you think is sucking up half the public purse & determined to continue sucking from the public teat
So the spies have to go. All of them.
Let's get this straight. I've studied their own documents. No they do not work for the government. They work for what they call their "Customers"...
They station spies on site at their "customers" locations...
Another clue they don't work for governments: they lie to & hide things from their government overseers.
Remember the CIA getting caught hacking the Senate Intel Committee?
Spies aren't subordinate. They are running the show.
Human society will never be able to progress until we get rid of the spies.
An international control system exists, which is exploited by a very few with access, for their own benefit, at all of our costs.
That system runs on information.
Then they have nothing to leverage, nothing to exploit, nothing to trade, nothing with which to control us.
Like @ioerror said - cut off their water supply. Shut off the lights. Pull the fucking plug on tyranny.
/end thread