Here is a diagram of our original architecture...

Ideally a good identity solution for blockchain applications provides an off-chain method of linking together on-chain interactions.
Even if with multiple accounts for various #dapps it is easiest to fund each one using one or two accounts holding #ETH. This makes it easy to correlate an identity.
In 2017 we introduced Meta Transaction funding to solve it more efficiently but still only on test nets. On mainnet it would be too expensive to run with real #ETH.
Early users of @uport_me will remember having to verify their phone number, which was for this specific purpose.
This makes it expensive to create masses of non-correlatable accounts needed to ensure privacy.
After multiple iterations we finally removed it...
Our initial version was also essentially based on a multi-sig contract changing ownership of a proxy...
There are a few other social issues to solve though before we believe its practical.
We haven't stopped there. Our 2.0 architecture will launch in Q4 this year. Expect even better focus on solving real business problems for #GDPR and #blockchain
We will also be at #Devcon5, #Sibos2019 and #Convergence2019 this year.
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