Statement @EIB #UNClimateSummit yesterday:
@AMcDowell #AskEIB
🤔What were related comments received? 👇
🤔 How is this calculated and applied? 👇
(a) @EIB intents to use @JosephEStiglitz @lordstern1 cost estimates from 2017 up to 2050, in mid- to high *range* scenario:
$40-80/t CO2, 2020 🙄
$50-100/t CO2, 2050 🙄
(a) Climate impacts should not be monetized to start with. This is an existential problem that requires political decisions, not monetary cost-benefit balancing.
@ProfSteveKeen @blair_fix @MaxJerneck @gwcarpenter @delbeke_jos @noahq @JesseJenkins @AarneGranlund
*mainstream* economic research does not account for this, and doesn't acknowledge this sufficiently
[@Peters_Glen + @jessicadjewell ]
- Modest carbon taxes
- Discount rates falsely claim feasibility large-scale CCS
The only thing that counts is deciding that:
We. don't. want. fossil. energy/emissions. any. more.
Do what it takes.
➡️❗️Use fine-grained short-term physical quota ❗️
(1) The high range value is used to evaluate low-carbon projects, and low-range value is used to evaluate conventional energy projects […]
This seems a very slippy ground. @EIB admits this.
"it does this based on a range of forecasts from specialized consultancies and scenarios from relevant bodies"
"The bank does not make those public"
(1) RE vs. fossil investments of multilateral/state development banks: @BjarneSteffen
Based on 841 projects (2006-2015), @EIB claim of being 'biggest climate financer' seems not to hold : ]
@baeckelmans @snam @exxonmobil @Shell
Summary thread @SimonLLewis @guardian & @DrSimEvans @CarbonBrief :
Summary thread blogpost @rahmstorf :
Summary thread of EU ETS functioning and carbon leakage calculation method:
Summary thread @KarstenCapion :
Summary thread of 6 recent reports :
Twitter thread summary:
Blogpost summary:…
Based on @EUCouncilPress @Transport_EU docs, it does not seem that member states realize this.
Pre-debate thread: