For the last week I've been feeling as though we'll see Trump not only Impeached but that the Senate WILL vote to remove Trump
I HATE Trump so I thought I'd be excited by this but I'm too focused on what may be coming next...
Speaking of throwing...when I look at how Rudy's 'helping' Trump its as if he's throwing Trump under the bus.
It makes me wonder, is Rudy sabotaging Trump?
I was surprised to learn that Trump may not actually be paying Rudy🤔
👉#MoscowMitch approves $250M in election security. Great but WHY did Mitch change course🤔
👉Senate UNANIMOUSLY votes to pass on whistleblower complaint to Intel committees

Then consider Mitch reiterated again that if the House impeaches he'll let the Senate go to trial? No games???😳
👉What if Rudy IS setting up Trump & is helping get him impeached in Congress?
👉What if he's impeached & it goes to Senate & Mitch sends the message he doesn't want the GOP tied to Trump?
Pence would babysit once Trump was removed but there'd be an excuse why he wouldn't be the candidate & they'd back Ryan instead😱
The 1% would embrace the man behind the #GOPTaxScam
Trumps poll numbers are always low. So it'll be hard to 'fix' the 2020 election for Trump & make it believable
But if they run Ryan or another candidate the numbers may be believable (& they can still use Russian 'influence' to ensure the win)
Could Paul become #PutinsPuppet or #RussiasRyan ?
What if #MoscowMitch is following Putins orders?
What about the Mercers?
Or the Koch's?
Where's Steve Bannon?
What about Murdoch?
They're ALL up to something.
Are they part of this?
Are they separate groups or coordinated?
I think this is where Barr comes in
Does he work for those behind the scenes?
It feels like a lot's going on in the background
Something feels different
And most importantly,
if the GOP and/or Putin didn't want Trump for another 4 yrs nows the time to make a move
And Republicans who felt they couldn't vote for Trump suddenly have a GOP candidate to back
And the Dems would feel like we're winning & maybe we'd have a hard time looking away from the Trump circus
Look at what they DO not what they SAY
But most importantly remember that Trump's a DISTRACTION
And right now Trumps causing huge distractions
Lets focus on getting Trump OUT
but lets multi task & also watch the GOP & what they're getting up to🤬