I cycled 44 km cycling on 01 Oct 2019 and committed to cycle 1000km to take you through life of FORCES VETERANS AND WIDOWS under initiative called
“Sustainable And Valuable Initiative for Timely Assistance”
It’s an initiative:
👉🏻Timely Assistance to widows of Soldiers & Policemen.
👉🏻Assistance to educate children of deceased Soldiers & Policemen up to PG.
👉🏻R & D of products for saving Soldiers & Policemen from Bleeding to Death.
Cycled 46km today, 03 Oct 2019 under #1000kmCyclingForForcesWidows 46 km Of 1000km done.
I embark tomorrow on a 1500km road trip spanning four days to meet Veterans and Widows of my unit. Chandigarh, Hoshiarpur, Mukerian, Pathankot, Lakhanpur, Nurpur, Chamba, Kangra contd..

#1000kmCyclingForForcesWidows contd..Palampur, Chintpurni....Deep rural areas.
Will share their life.
1000km for FORCES WIDOWS under initiative called
“Sustainable And Valuable Initiative for Timely Assistance”
#SAVITA #colsanjaypande

#1000kmCyclingForForcesWidows 1st story of FORCES WIDOWS comes tomorrow when I leave for Chandigarh at 4.30 am My driver from 8 yrs has met all of them
“Sustainable And Valuable Initiative for Timely Assistance”
#SAVITA #colsanjaypande
Left DELHI at 5am by road for Naya Gaon, Hoshiarpur and Mukerian to meet my unit widows then to Lakhanpur Pathankot where I will meet my unit veterans.
Will stay for night with a retired Subedar in Chamba HP.
Nothing like meeting Veterans & Widows. It’s my family. 39 yrs!!
The first Forces Widow I met today. Widowed in 2003. Husband, a Naik, died on Line of Control. Awarded SENA MEDAL (POSTHUMOUS). Contd...
“Sustainable And Valuable Initiative for Timely Assistance” #colsanjaypande #1000kmCyclingForForcesWidows
Daughters were 7 and 4 years old then. Mother toiled hard and despite being from a small village managed to complete education of daughters. Both were 91%+ in Boards. Elder is in third year MBBS and younger in final year B Tech.

18th year of widowhood, a so called VEER NAARI ( @adgpi can clarify what this term means), hasn’t received even one rupee from any education grant of MoD. No fees reimbursed. No quota of seats offered. Kendriya Sainik Board in District offered no help. Contd..
No one has contacted her to date other than my unit. She is widow of War Casualty.
We the unit members fund the daughters education. Serving and retired. I place on record TWO TWITTER FRIENDS who choose to conceal their identity who have funded these children.
Saluting them.
This widows case is not aberration. It’s a norm. My request to all official handles of MoD, do not brush under carpet.
A devastated family cannot use ECHS, CSD is dream, what comes regularly is Pension. Credit goes only to Central Govt.
This illiterate widow achieved all of this on her own helped by unit persons and friends. What did literate leadership do till date?
“Sustainable And Valuable Initiative for Timely Assistance” #colsanjaypande #1000kmCyclingForForcesWidows
Third day on road going from village to village meeting veterans and mainly widows of my unit. Lot of life experiences to share. Contd..
“Sustainable And Valuable Initiative for Timely Assistance” #colsanjaypande #1000kmCyclingForForcesWidows
Will share lot of stories while completing #1000kmCyclingForForcesWidows which recommences from Tuesday, 08 Oct 2019.
“Sustainable And Valuable Initiative for Timely Assistance” #colsanjaypande