$ 20 , 000 or more for a then- sitting U . . Congressman (" Congressman
) , who had also been the beneficiary of approximately $ 3 million
in independent expenditures by Committee- 1 during the 2018
election cycle.
event sponsored by an independent expenditure committee to which
FRUMAN had recently made a substantial contribution. During the
2018 election cycle, Congressman - 1 had been the beneficiary of
approximately $ 3 million in
1. At and around the same time PARNAS and FRUMAN committed to
raising those funds for Congressman - PARNAS met with
Congressman- 1 and sought Congressman - ' s assistance in causing the
U . S . Government to remove or recall the then- U . .
Ukraine (the " Ambassador " ) . PARNAS' efforts to remove the
Ambassador were conducted, at least in part, at the request of one
or more Ukrainian government officials. Moreover, in an effort
to reach their contribution commitment to Congressman - 1 and
had already made a maximum $ 2 , 700 contribution to Congressman- 1, FRUMAN paid for another maximum $ , 700 contribution to
Congressman- 1 that was made and reported in PARNAS' ." ...…