Dear @facebook
You aided & abetted Cambridge Analytica & Russia to favor Trump in 2016.
It didn’t matter to you that a tyrant was installed, not fairly elected due in large part to your platform—all for profit.
You’re clearly favoring him again for 2020.
Cambridge Analytica harvested data on 50 Million people & had data on 230 Million more from @facebook
C-A, now Emerdata, is owned by Mercer & was run by Steve Bannon who compiled & used this data to sway the outcome of 2016 elections to favor Trump.
FB deleted his account.
C-A/Emerdata’s entire endgame is to infiltrate & sway elections; Globally

While @facebook silences whistleblowers like Christopher Wylie & Senator @ewarren,
Trump has spent twice as much as the entire Democratic field combined on FB ads that are full propaganda, blatant lies, ensuring another FB election.