Most VCs will ask this.
But this question misses great startups.
Investors are asking if your oppty is:
🤖 New tech?
👽 Emerging user behavior?
⚖️ Regulatory change?
Major macro shifts matter, but special founders are often overlooked as key vector of success.
📱 Smartphones (and GPS) became widely available
💸 There was a lot of slack in the workforce
💳 People were increasingly comfortable transacting online/mobile
But there’s no similarly clear reason why GoFundMe emerged in 2010 and not 2004.
💬 Slack was dismissed for being a more polished ICQ
🎦 Zoom was the 137th video conferencing tool
💊 PillPack was founded in 2013, but arguably viable in 2003
🛏️ Airbnb commercialized a behavior that Craigslist pioneered a decade before
By focusing on “why now?” we overestimate macro/technical factors and diminish founder agency.
They happen because entrepreneurs *make* them happen.
Successful startups are made, not born.