1) late talking/sentences
2) simple limited vocabulary
3) masked in school with animation instead of words ‘funny boy’
4) the word ‘thing’ was the main noun used
5) copied friends work or asked friends to explain
6) distressed independent working
8) Perceived as lazy by teacher and reprimanded
9) anxiety about school and meltdowns started
10) friendship issues as didn’t understand metaphors/sarcasm
11) instances of bullying from yr 4
13)start of school refusal - TA removes son from car footwell every morning - meltdowns witnessed by younger sibling - finds distressing often late into school as result of situation
15) relationship with school & parents breakdown due to long time of Child without support
16) year 6 interventions start - after LEA involved
17) POPAT - son says too late should have been given earlier as he ‘struggled for years’
19) anxiety manifested & intermittent school refusal from year 7
20) parent given up employment to care/coax to school
21) Son now in year 10 in school most of the time as good support in high school
23) son is proud and wants to prove himself in his GCSEs as he realizes now he’s ‘not dumb’.
24) Now under CAMHS.....has had medication in past few years at low periods. Parent lost £k’s in income