1. What was different vs. the same in FB's narrative
2. What was different vs. the same in Congress' questions
3. The negotiation factors moving forward
4. Highlights
5. Predictions
* Less: unbanked
* Same: Libra isn’t us; we’re a part of it
* More: We’ve worked hard to deserve this
* More: China is a threat
* Same: skepticism around unbanked
* Same: Switzerland/basket skepticism
* More: Focus on diversity track record
* More: Asking about threat to USDglobal reserve status
* More: Political footballing
* 1. FB will NOT move forward without regulatory approval
* 2. Changes already made (no investment dividends)
* 3. Basket of currencies (Could be 1:1 USD or could have imposed minimums)
* 4. KYC for all wallets
* 5. Switzerland vs US location
My favorites: @WarrenDavidson saying "Hard to subpoena Satoshi" + once again, @PatrickMcHenry nails what's really underlying the tone:
Prediction 1: the 'basket of currencies' approach is on the shakiest ground.
It's a major point of consternation and FB is already signaling that they're open to a different approach.
I think the 'drug dealer money'/'terrorist money' FUD is still the most powerful and dangerous and I think Congress will lean on FB to lean on the Libra Association to guarantee KYC for ALL wallets.
A potential move from a basket to a 1:1 USD currency is all well and good, but if the signal people are worried about is 'innovation going abroad' - domiciling the thing elsewhere is going to be a MAJOR blocker.
I believe that all the motivations FB has articulated for Libra is true. But I think in the back of some minds, there is a plan B of Libra as a sacrificial lamb that shows how well FB can play nice and change plans so seriously guys don't break us up.
What's for sure is that this conversation is LIVE, it's HOT, and it is about way, way more than Libra.