- If we leave with a deal, Brexit is over and done with
- It will return our sovereignty (that we never lost)
- Remain MPs have blocked Brexit
- Immigration is bad for the UK
- Immigration caused the housing crisis
- Immigrants are taking our benefits and our jobs (inherent contradiction)
- Freedom of movement only relates to immigration into the UK
- The US will do the UK favours due to a sentimental ethnic link
- Joint decision making and cooperation represents humiliating foreign rule
- Being in the EU prevents us from trading with countries elsewhere in the world
- Lisbon Treaty means we lose our veto in 2020 and have to join a United States of Europe under Germany
- The EU is a corrupt neo-liberal dictatorship, but also a weak socialist federal state
- We will be able to get better trade deals alone than the EU can
- Not honouring the result of the referendum isn't democratic
- Membership of the EU returns less than it costs (by assigning a zero value to all benefits of membership that aren't direct financial flows)
- Brexit is deliverable in practice
- We'll be fine on WTO terms
- Take back control (of what?)
- Settling our post Brexit relationship will only take a year or two
- The EU makes all our laws
- The EU is undemocratic (because EU Commissioners are nominated) - who nominated Boris Johnson? His Cabinet?
- The referendum result was valid, despite the fraud and irregularities
- The UK will hold all the power in future trade negotiations
- European army and conscription are coming
- Referendum was a grand exercise in democracy (instead of an advisory opinion poll that Leave won by a very narrow margin)
- Free trade agreements will replace all the benefits of the Single Market and Customs Union
- It will lower immigration
- Largest democratic event in UK history
- Vote Leave didn't break the law
- Our departure will lead other countries to leave
- We will get a great deal because we're such a big customer of the EU
- Brexit represents what the UK as a whole still wants, now, in 2019%, even though far less than half of all possible voters expressed a preference for it in 2016, and polls have shown a sustained shift towards Remain since.
- Everyone who wants to remain (16 million plus) are part of the elite - by definition impossible
- Everything that's wrong with the UK is the EU's fault
- Jobs first Brexit
- Fifth (now sixth or seventh) largest economy in the world
- It's Y2K all over again
- In the car sector, all the problems are about diesel and about the dash for electric cars - never about Brexit
- The EU is super bureaucratic (no - small number of civil servants)
- Everyone knew what they were voting for
- That leaving the EU is better
- The EU tells us what to do
- Delivering Brexit will reunite us (actually it risks breaking Union up)
- Hard border doesn't affect the GFA because "border" isn't mentioned
- Fishing
- Small majority shouldn't equal giant upheaval (had it been the other way it wasn't an issue because nothing changed)
- No deal is not the status quo
- Fifth largest economy not despite the EU but because we're in the EU
- It is a violation of democracy to revisit a decision after we have more info
- Norway/Sweden border situation is the same as NI/Ireland border
Phew! When you see all that nonsense in one fell swoop, it's amazing Remain got a single vote. What a terrible indictment of politics.