- Laurie Cranor, the then-Chief Technologist for the FCC, sums up the issues with rotation: ftc.gov/news-events/bl…
- Appendix A of NIST SP 800-83B is a wonderful roundup of how to think about complexity: pages.nist.gov/800-63-3/sp800…
- Sydney Dekker, _The Field Guide To Human Error_: amazon.com/Field-Guide-Un… - a must-read IMO
- @Pinboard's _What I learned Trying to Secure Congressional Campaigns: idlewords.com/2019/05/what_i…
- @badthingsdaily is a great source of realistic scenarios to prompt brainstorming
- For more formal data, try
a. Verizon's DBIR: enterprise.verizon.com/resources/repo…,
b. BI's Breaches Report ($$$): businessinsider.com/data-breaches-…