It starts with 2019 line-up, but then cuts to a smarter Johnson from a previous year laying a green wreath.
Compare with “scruffy” Johnson & red wreath 2019.…
So @BBCBreakfast really did use old footage (2016 it would seem) to replace scruffy wreath misplacing Johnson with a smarter-looking clip of Johnson.
So... this kind of sprucing up of the leader’s image is something worthy of
...a banana republic. 🍌
So it is indeed this morning’s clip.

Damn right it it was an error.
The key questions are:
1) whether @BBCBreakfast will say if it was an accidental or deliberate ‘error’
2) Whose error was it?
Massive credit to this tweet - where I first saw it called out.
This is why it’s critical to follow each other in the grassroots (rather than big celebs only) - that way we all work together to catch this stuff out.