Please RT to Dayspring & Peter Attia (Both block me)
Increased Brain Amyloid with Statins…
@FatEmperor @ProfTimNoakes @FructoseNo @DrAseemMalhotra @KenDBerryMD @TuitNutrition

Dose/Time Dependent Development of T2D
@lowcarbGP @DaveKeto @DavidPerlmutter

Women are more susceptible to develop statin-induced T2D than Men

TD isn't aware of muscle wasting with statins, so this week is devoted to muscle adverse effects - Please educate him
Creatine phosphokinase levels used to determine statin-induced muscle damage, but this paper shows damage occurs w/o ⬆️CP

Day 8 Statins = T2D hazard zone
Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2019;35":e3189.…

"unfavorable statin effects on energy
& exertional fatigue. Effects were seen in a generally
healthy sample given modest statin doses"
doi:10.1001 /archinternmed.2012.2171

"Patients who started statin therapy ...
experienced a greater decrease in insulin sensitivity &
metabolic control deterioration compared with statin-free group"
Black line = statin, grey = no statin y axis = HR

Dr Golomb, UC San Diego
"ALS first emerged, or accelerated, with statin
dose increase or rechallenge. ... subjects noted
... abatement of symptoms ... with statin discontinuation"…

Heart failure epidemic with ⬆️statin use.
⬆️HF survival w/ statin withdrawal
"Statin-associated cardiomyopathy responds to statin withdrawal and administration of coenzyme q10"…
@Alabdulgaderaa @DietHeartNews @holmanm
High Rate of ALS Reported to the FDA by Statin Users
Drug Safety (2018) 41:403–413…

"Conclusions: Use of high potency statins is associated with an increased rate of diagnosis for acute kidney injury in hospital admissions compared with low potency statins."
BMJ 2013;346:f880 doi: 10.1136/bmj.f880

"Statins are associated with increased risk of SSTIs (skin and soft tissue infections) ... We believe that clinicians should be aware of the association between statins and SSTIs"
DOI: 10.1111/bcp.14077