In his deposition, David Hale described growing consternation among diplomats as the administration would neither release the aid nor explain the hold.… via @NBCNews
It’s what the founders warned us about.
Trump approved military aid to Ukraine in 2017 & 2018, even though Hunter Biden’s role as a director of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma was well-known at the time.
So what changed? The 2020 election.…… via @WSJ
Ukrainian energy tycoon Dmitry Firtash, was offered help with criminal charges he is facing in the US during a meeting with 2 Giuliani associates.…
Always Russia.
The court set a brisk briefing schedule in the case, which concerns a subpoena from a House committee.…
The top GOP on the House Intelligence Committee called the reports that he met with a former Ukrainian prosecutor part of a criminal campaign against him by a “totally corrupt” news media.
"I really want to answer all these questions, and I promise you I absolutely will come back on the show and answer these questions," Nunes told Fox News.… via @NBCNews
Whether this turns out like the Kurdish ethnic cleansing, the Ukraine debacle, or both, remains to be seen:
Ukraine did not meddle in US vote, says Zelensky…
GOP senator John Kennedy backtracks on Ukraine hacking claim: 'I was wrong'……
The #FauxNews host said he was “serious” when he initially insisted he was rooting for Russia, only to walk it back at the end of the show.…
Released Office of Management and Budget papers show that the Trump regime first officially put its hold on Ukraine aid THE SAME DAY as the July 25th Trump call.
To claim that is a coincidence, as they surely will try, is madness.…… via @WSJ…
White House lawyers briefed President Trump in late August about the complaint, people familiar with the matter said.
Mark Sandy, a career official at the White House Office of Management and Budget, revealed the resignations in testimony to impeachment investigators…
Trump Denies Sending Rudy Giuliani to Ukraine for Biden Probe……
Fallout from the clemency cost the Navy Secretary Richard Spencer his job, but a former Pentagon deputy chief backs the ousted official.…
But Eddie Gallagher, the most high profile of the three, was allowed to retire with full honors, meaning he is now exempt from that.
Will the other two do the same?
Giuliani Pursued Business in Ukraine While Pushing for Inquiries for Trump
The president’s private lawyer explored agreements with Ukrainian officials for hundreds of thousands of dollars.…
Documents show Trump’s company reported different numbers — higher ones to lenders, lower ones to tax officials. Last month, similar pattern was found in two other Trump buildings.……
Just Security just published an analysis showing that a supposed September call the GOP says exonerates Trump never actually happened.
The House Judiciary Committee had been leading the debate over whether to impeach President Trump long before the Ukraine affair. This week, it returns to the center of the maelstrom.
IE: "They're going to tell the truuuuuth!"
Trump’s counsel says he won’t participate in House Judiciary’s 1st impeachment panel, calling it unfair…
Mocking Devin Nunes is always in season.…
Bill Barr peddled "made up" theories in front of Congress to help Trump, says ex-prosecutor……
Because it would be so easy for these people to clear the president, it’s hard to escape the conclusion that their silence is part of a cover-up.…
The pair of Soviet-born business contacts was indicted in connection with alleged campaign finance violations & had a status conference on their case on Monday in NYC.
Okay, I may be paraphrasing a little.… via @thedailybeast
In a report intended to counter Democrats’ impeachment case, Republicans will argue Trump's efforts to get Ukraine to investigate his rivals had nothing to do with politics.
Trump misleadingly claimed that the Ukrainian leader said he had “done nothing wrong.”
READ: Republican Report On The Impeachment Inquiry
Highlights from the newly released FBI Mueller investigation notes…
Trump has claimed Mueller applied to be FBI director and was "turned down." But the documents don't back up the president's version of events.… via @NBCNews
Shocked. So shocked.
So naturally Bill Barr is disputing the findings of his own department.……
Don McGahn must testify. ALL of them must.
Once in the Oval Office, a demagogue can easily stay there.
Which is also why they keep making denials.
This is how he does it: Trump calls Democrats impeachment push 'unpatriotic'…

The Intelligence Committee plans to formally adopt its report outlining the case for impeaching President Trump over a pressure campaign on Ukraine.…

Her declaration reflected a shift by Trump’s critics from talking about the Ukraine affair using more abstract concepts like “quid pro quo” or “abuse of power.”
The report uses the word “Democrat” 226 times, all part of a ploy to suggest that facts presented in the impeachment hearing were a partisan plot.
Trump Arrives at the NATO Summit—and Talks About Impeachment……
Prof. Turley was called by the GOP, which is why he is delivering his very weak argument against impeachment.
If the GOP didn't think he'd back them 100%, then they would not have made him their one witness.
Turley in 1998 when Bill Clinton was impeached:
Remember that. And look at what Bill Barr does:
It is. And that's sad. Being partisan isn't inherently a bad thing. The reason WHY it is partisan is what's important.
The GOP has utterly failed to protect this country or uphold its oath, that's WHY it is partisan.
That's VERY false information.
President Trump’s personal lawyer has been in Budapest and Kyiv this week to talk with former Ukrainian prosecutors for a documentary series intended to debunk the impeachment case.
Rep. Devin Nunes files $435 million defamation lawsuit against CNN… via @USATODAY
Mick Mulvaney Defends Withholding Military Aid to Ukraine Pending Investigation……
Pamela Karlan Responds to Ranking Member Collins' Criticism…
Guess what the GOP's argument is?
Go on, guess.
It's nothing new.
"The public is sick of it." "Let's wait for the election." "Well, Biden should have been investigated." "This is a waste of time, too quick, let's examine the evidence."
And now we're back to the GOP and lies about Schiff, the whistleblower, and Hunter Biden.
It's night and day here.
Reality: The GOP is itself complicit in Trump's crimes.
GOP: We're undoing the will of the majority in the 2016 election!
Reality: Less than 26% of the country, and not even half of the voters, "elected" Trump.
It's his Intelligence Committee rants all over again. 🤦♂️
They have absolutely nothing, so they are just going to make noise.
This is wrong.
And their hatchet man on this continuously interrupts and berates the witnesses and demonstrates faux outrage when they try to answer and he won't let them.
Turley looks consistently smug, like he's posing for the camera.
Oh, wait, no, this isn't a replay, it's just the GOP recycling their stale defense.
The Senate impeached that judge.
Democrats have issued those, and Trump has blocked issuance of documents and key impeachment witnesses.
Should Congress wait?
Context is key. This is why the GOP likes soundbites and spotlights, so they can ignore inconvenient facts.
The Impeachment Inquiry into President Donald J. Trump: Constitutional Grounds for Presidential Impeachment:…
In any other trial this would be witness tampering, jury fixing, and bribing the judge all at once.
#ImpeachingHearings #Senate #ImpeachmentTrial

Stanford professor Pamela S. Karlan used a domestic analogy to put Trump’s withholding of aid to Ukraine in context.… via @HuffPostPol
One legal expert said Trump's Ukraine dealings were "worse than the misconduct of any prior president." via @politico
We are likely in for a long haul, but moving forward while that happens is sound strategy.
Yeah, about that:
Thank you, Madam Speaker.
The speaker said she was instructing House committee chairmen to move forward with articles of impeachment against President Trump; another hearing is scheduled for Monday.
On Trump wanting to hurry his trial along:
Trump asks Supreme Court to void financial records subpoena… via @NBCNews
Phone logs in impeachment report renew concern about security of Trump communications…
GOP leaders have no interest in turning the Senate into a circus with the hard-line demands of Trump's House allies. via @politico…
Impeach him.
Donald Trump likes to call his opponents traitors — but if he’s looking for treasonous behavior, he should look within his own party… via @RollingStone
12/07/19 READ: Constitutional Grounds for Impeachment…
An army of Democratic lawyers and aides are preparing to formally present the case for impeachment to lawmakers — and the country.
Schiff: Pence aide provided new impeachment evidence — but VP's office classified it via @politico…
The House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the evidence in the on-going impeachment inquiry against President Trump.…
Lindsey Graham says he won't call Adam Schiff as witness in Senate trial…
Inside Giuliani’s dual roles: Power-broker-for-hire and shadow foreign policy adviser…
They're allowed to be concerned. They're allowed to make public statements. This is common. This isn't election interference. We do this also.
There also isn't anything NEW in it. It's all the same talking points and lies the GOP has been echoing over and over.
Trump has been very blatant about stating otherwise.
All cases found to have NO political bias.… via @CBSPolitics
This could result in a solid third article on Obstruction of Justice.
You know, like you do in regular conversation.
This is wrong.
The fact that the inquiry is only NOW coming up is proof of that. It is rooted in solid facts and events.
The only way context doesn't matter is if truth doesn't matter to you.
But that is exactly what he did. Then Gaetz butted in and got gaveled down. Chairman Nadler needs to force the GOP to allow witnesses to answer.
Trump epitomizes the angry old man. Fake outrage, is one of the big cards he plays. And we've long seen that his denials are usually lies.
He is a friend of Bill Barr. He is a member of the Federalist Society. He pushed for the impeachment of Obama.
Prof. Turley is as partisan as they come.
'Dossier' author Chris Steele met Ivanka Trump years before Russia scandal, source says - ABC News -
Incidentally, this is Rep. Collins harping on the same lies he yelled at Counsel Goldman about earlier.
Devin Nunes' troubles are based on a number of recent stories wielding damning facts, not merely somebody at a whim including his phone number in a report.…
This is the exact opposite of what the IG report says.… via @USATODAY
Only that's not really how it works at all.
Impeachment Gets Weird
Democratic Chairman Jerry Nadler virtually lost control of today’s House Judiciary Committee hearing.
@russellberman writes:…
In neither case does it make sense grammatically or contextually for it to mean "U.S."
"I would like you to do us a favor"
"Give us a date and we’ll work that out"
#UkraineTranscript #ReleaseTheTapes

The GOP has only one defense: #Gaslighting.…
He is directly opposing the findings of it and still insisting Trump was spied upon and that the investigations were not legitimate despite all evidence to the contrary.…
Bill Barr attacks FBI for ‘bad faith’ probe of Trump campaign in bonkers interview -…
The campaign also received defensive briefings on foreign interference and directly chose NOT to report it.
This is NOT what a real Attorney General does.
This isn't a disagreement.
It's propaganda and lies.
This man was invited to visit the White House today to push Russian propaganda that also happens to be GOP propaganda.
Funny coincidence, huh?
But this won’t stop the Deep State-truthers from denying Trump’s complicity.…
McConnell hopes to end the trial as quickly as possible.…
The GOP is attacking the #HorowitzIGReport the same way it did the #MuellerReport, by lying about its contents & slandering Horowitz.
This is why Barr & Trump lied about it, to #gaslight their own base.
1) Counterintelligence briefings were given to the Trump campaign on how to handle potential foreign interference. The Trump campaign did literally the opposite of what they were told to do.
It was believed the Trump campaign might be colluding with Russia. And so they were not warned to avoid tipping off potential suspects.
There's a lot grandstanding by Barr to get his two IGs to agree with him, but he seems to be betting Durham is more malleable.
For in instance:
The House Judiciary Committee debates two articles of impeachment against President Trump: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.…
President Trump considering adding controversial lawyer Alan Dershowitz to impeachment legal team: Sources - ABC News - via @ABC
Pence rejects calls to declassify new impeachment testimony via @politico
In new legal memo, White House budget office defends withholding aid to Ukraine…
The House Judiciary Committee debated two articles of impeachment against President Trump: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.…
In the case of President Trump, Senate Republicans are making it clear that he literally has no case, no defense.…
In doing so, he has launched a direct attack on law enforcement.
Trump calls FBI ‘scum’ at rally… via @MSNBC
GOP lawmakers have treated the hearings like Fox New segments, delivering loud, rambling monologues in a deliberate attempt to wear down participants and viewers.…
The Defense Department’s inspector general will look at a $400 million contract awarded to a North Dakota company embraced by President Trump.
Senate Republicans look to hold short impeachment trial despite Trump’s desire for an aggressive defense…
There’s a Surprisingly Plausible Path to Removing Trump From Office
It would take just 3 Republican senators to turn the impeachment vote into a secret ballot. It’s not hard to imagine what would happen then.
Here's why none of them hold up.… via @businessinsider
The holdup on the Ukraine aid has been at the center of the impeachment inquiry. via @ABC
Republican rhetoric during the Judiciary Committee’s latest hearing was politics as tribal ritual rather than politics as rational discourse.…
Mitch McConnell has already vowed to break it.
Trump, hours before impeachment vote, says 'no crime,' 'crazy!'… via @NBCNews
Sondland backed effort to 'shake up' leadership at Ukraine's state energy company
The Ukrainian government saw Sondland's push as part of a broader effort linked to Giuliani & his associates.…
The House Judiciary Committee approves 2 articles of impeachment against Trump: abuse of power (23-17) & obstruction of Congress (23-17). The articles now head to the full House for consideration.…
Rudy Giuliani is still in Europe pursuing that... using a translation app to read Russian propaganda because Igor Fruman and Lev Parnas are under arrest.
A shameful dereliction of duty and betrayal of his New Jersey constituents. Vote him out. #DemCastNJ…
As Trump faces impeachment, Giuliani returns to television to expound upon the conspiracy theories that lead to the impeachment inquiry.…
He’s smearing the Russia investigation and covering up Trump’s guilt.
His account of events bears no resemblance to reality.… via @Slate
How the efforts of Yuriy Lutsenko and Rudy Giuliani to smear Joe Biden led to a Presidential crisis.…
The rule of law is the principle that protects every American from the abuse of monarchs, despots and tyrants.…
Rudolph Giuliani said in an interview that he briefed the president “a couple of times” about Marie Yovanovitch, the envoy to Ukraine, setting her recall in motion.
Trump goes after Pelosi’s teeth as the House gears up for impeachment vote…
Minority Leader Chuck Schumer sent a letter to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell that drives a hard bargain on witnesses and documents. via @politico
The right side intent on doing what they were elected to do:
Schumer says McConnell is 'totally out of line' for taking cues from White House on impeachment…
'I'm not trying to pretend to be a fair juror here': Lindsey Graham predicts Trump impeachment will 'die quickly' in Senate because he "will do everything I can to make it die quickly."…
The House Rules Committee debated two articles of impeachment - abuse of power and obstruction of Congress - against President Trump.…
A lawyer for Dmitry Firtash, a Ukrainian oligarch facing U.S. charges, was the source of a $1 million that went to a family account of Lev Parnas, who was working with Rudy Giuliani.…
We see today this is true.
Trump Denounces ‘Partisan Impeachment Crusade’ on Eve of House Vote
Tantrum or threat?…
Trump will not let them, showing he has something to hide.…
The House is debating two Articles of Impeachment against President Trump: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.…
Only one impeachment attempt has occurred, and we're watching its successful culmination.…
The president said he takes "zero" responsibility for the effort to remove him — "to put it mildly."… via @NBCNews
Schiff says Pence’s office may have purposefully misled panel about contents of his Zelensky call…
Rudolph Giuliani said in an interview that he briefed the president “a couple of times” about Marie Yovanovitch, the envoy to Ukraine, setting her recall in motion.
Some people CAN be swayed by truth:
There is nothing the GOP won't invoke to protect Donald Trump.
I am waiting for comparisons to the Holocaust, Berlin Wall, or Lincoln's assassination.
Trump is impeached.
The rest is just a formality now.
Have yourselves a Merry little Impeachmas, friends.
#ImpeachmentDay #IMPEACHMENTVOTE #ImpeachAndRemove #TrumpImpeachment
#DemCast #GeeksResist #OneVoice1
via @YouTube
At the same time, you have to understand that seeing Trump finally held personally accountable on some level for his crimes resonates with many.
Acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor is planning to leave the country on Jan. 2 & understood that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo wanted to avoid being photographed with him, a person familiar with the situation said.… via @WSJ…
1) It's the law. If the House did not follow the Constitution and impeach, it would render our founding laws meaningless.
Trump can NEVER be pardoned for these crimes.
And that is why Nixon resigned.
The kind who deserved his impeachment.
I don't care how partisan you are, this was wrong. Just look at what Rep. Debbie Dingell has to say about it.
Footage resurfaces of Trump saying Bush should be impeached for “lying” via @YouTube
Pelosi threatens to delay Senate impeachment trial
Some legal scholars have suggested she could consider refusing to transmit articles of impeachment to the Senate. via @politico…
Ignoring facts and trashing the impeachment process is no way to protect democracy.
Speaking in Michigan as the House impeached him, Trump’s response was even worse than could’ve been imagined.… via @voxdotcom…
Putin on Trump Impeachment: ‘Your Members of Congress Should Know Better’…
McConnell to Pelosi: You can keep your impeachment articles…
"Trump Should Be Removed from Office; It’s time to say what we said 20 years ago when a president’s character was revealed for what it was."…
Former White House officials say they feared Putin influenced the president’s views on Ukraine and 2016 campaign…
SPOILER: Rudy doesn't. This is going to be hilarious.…
The White House is considering arguing that Trump wasn't officially impeached, because House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has not transmitted the articles of impeachment to the Senate.… via @CBSPolitics
Politifact finds this "Mostly True" and has a list of documents he continues to hide.… via @PolitiFact
Trump administration demanded Democrats strip Ukraine aid language from spending package…
How 2 Soviet Émigrés Fueled the Trump Impeachment Flames
The call ended at 9:33 a.m. An email calling for aid to be held was sent at 11:04 a.m.… via @Slate
Was Manafort’s work in Ukraine the real start of Russiagate?… via @MSNBC
Mike Pence could be the next president and he was handpicked by Paul Manafort……
Four Tests for Impeachment……
A Conversation With Rudy Giuliani Over Bloody Marys at the Mark Hotel… via @intelligencer…
The comment came in a filing with federal court that argues Democrats still need testimony from former White House counsel Don McGahn. via @politico…
Rudy is neither, and impersonating a U.S. government official is a federal crime
per 18 U.S. Code § 912:…

Attorney Leaving Indicted Giuliani Associate Because ‘Ability to Fund’ Defense Has ‘Diminished’…
Public support for Trump conviction at all-time high, poll finds
#GeeksResist #DemCast #OneVoice1 #Impeachmas… via @Yahoo