He is going to make Hiroshima look like a hand grenade.
If you are unaware of what #SpiritCooking is and what these Sick People have been doing.
Ill just Make it easier for you:
Would Tweet this if he didn't know this to be 100% True & Had the Evidence to back it up!
Its exactly why they needed to find a way to shut him up and do it fast!
Told him it was just a friendly conversation
No need to get a lawyer.
Even @Comey admitted decision to send FBI agents to interview Flynn was not standard.

Its human nature to fight back against an idea or opinion that disclaims Anything & Everything you believe to be true.
Most people will shelter themselves from the truth
Even use a talking point or argument to validate themselves, that normally if used in debate against them they would understand how ridiculous & Flawed it sounds.
Even more when it has to do with Everything you know to believe or been told to be true.
Its to keep you from Digging Deeper & Finding out what they left out and did not tell you.
If you find out they left out key info ....>
If that info was so easy for you to find but someone who does this for a living missed it.
Its not a mistake, its by design.
They need you to take what they say as FACT and not ? it.
The World is full of Opinions & Facts
Opinions can turn into Facts but once you start leaving Facts out to prove your opinion as fact then..>
You are pushing a narrative.
Lying to yourself & knowingly except flawed information as fact.
All bc your scared to possibly find out that everything you know and believe to be a lie.
Its hard to determine what is fact & what is opinion anymore.
They need there opinion to come across as fact.
People tend to question opinions but its rare to question something told to be fact.
If they Control what you think,
They Can Control Every Decision you make, And the reason they need this so you make decisions that are not best for you but best for them.
Otherwise they risk you waking up before they were able to get to a point of know return.
The point where even if we all woke up from this control they had on us we had no resources to fight back anyways.
They don't know how to play defense. They have never had to.
They controlled what the majority were thinking so in turn they were always in control.
"They never thought She would lose"
Even if you were already aware of this, in some way they still were controlling you with disinformation to push you away from the real truth.
People started to notice the flaws in what we were being told.
Slowly more & more people did the same.
People in power didn't notice this bc the ones who were waking up weren't broadcasting it to keep from getting ridiculed and labeled
We Find out there were a lot more of us then we could ever imagine. @realDonaldTrump came along and someone was finally making sense.
He Speed lined this Awakening faster then anyone could believe. People started to finally ask questions.
The Old Guard has been in Panic ever since.
They understand that the war has been lost,
There only chance for survival is to delay.
Expecting it to start becoming more and more obvious in the near future.