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Apr 29th 2023
Réponse à Musk avec "9 impressions"!
Techniquement impossible. Preuve que les non-bleus sont masqués, pestiférés (lui, Président des USA lors de la #Covid19 aurait fait de camps de concentrations pour "malades", à la #Philippot).
#Shadowban #FreeSpeech, #Liberté d'#Expression... Image
#Shadowban #FreeSpeech #Liberté #Expression selon l'inculte #ElonMusk & sociopathe cliché de romans/films #SciFi du "cool" anarcho-libertaire, tyran une fois aux pouvoirs soutenu par des teubés, trolls & lèche-cul excités: "Paie pour une visibilité" ou "Parle toujours!" #Coluche. Image
#Shadowban #FreeSpeech #Liberté #Expression selon l'inculte #ElonMusk… ignorant donc que la "Liberté d'expression" est lié à la #DEMOCRATIE : Sous-entend de pouvoir s'exprimer & d'être entendu!
Et dire que "on" a importé le système Bachelor-Licence/Master/PhD en #France et #UEImage
Read 5 tweets
Mar 17th 2023
1/12 Anger is a natural emotion that everyone experiences. However, it's important to learn how to manage it to avoid destructive outcomes. 🤬 #AngerManagement #EmotionalMaturity
2/12 In the story, Emma's inability to control her temper leads to her acting impulsively and causing harm. Her apology to Lily shows emotional maturity and taking responsibility for her actions. 🙏 #Apology #Forgiveness
3/12 Anger is often seen as negative, but it's a valid emotion. We need to accept it, find strategies to manage our expectations and recognize the sadness at its origin. 😔 #ValidEmotions #ManageExpectations
Read 13 tweets
Dec 14th 2022
🧵#Bioinformatics and its impact on #healthcare, a THREAD🧵🧵:
#Bioinformatics is the application of #computational techniques to the analysis of #biological data, such as #DNA sequences and #protein #structures.
In #healthcare, #bioinformatics is used to gain insights into the #genetic basis of diseases, and to develop new #diagnostic tests and #treatments.
Read 11 tweets
Dec 13th 2022
Are you interested in learning about #bioinformatics and working with #genomic data? Here's a detailed #learning path to get you started:
To build a strong foundation in biology, you'll need to learn about:
The #structure and #function of #cells, including the various #organelles and their roles in the cell. This will help you understand how cells work and how they carry out essential functions such as #metabolism and #energy production.
Read 12 tweets
Dec 7th 2022
🧵#Bioinformatics applied to genomics, a THREAD🧵🧵:
#Genomics is the study of the entire #genetic makeup of an #organism, including its #DNA sequence, #gene structure, and regulation of #gene #expression.
#Bioinformatics is the application of computational techniques, such as #machine #learning and data mining, to the analysis of large datasets of biological information, such as #genomic, #proteomic, and #metabolomic data.
Read 9 tweets
Nov 6th 2022
"L'#Occident soutient le #nazisme à l'#ONU". Retour (et démontage en règle) d'un des arguments les plus retords de la #propagande #russe. Là on est pas sur des #fakenews bidons c'est du sérieux et élaboré. Et on peut lui reconnaître ça [THREAD] 👇
Depuis quelques jours, les #bots du #Kremlin participent à une offensive informationnelle pour nous rappeler le vote à l'ONU où une bonne partie des pays occidentaux se sont abstenus ou ont voté contre la résolution #RU contre le #nazisme. #Nazi est même arrivé en tendance !
Evidement ces "génies" se sont arrêtés au titre car quand on lit le texte on se rendre compte que ce n'est qu'un outil que la #Russie compte utiliser pour défendre ses intérêts. La lutte contre le #nazisme elle s'en tape avec force. Mais de quoi on parle exactement ? 🤔
Read 19 tweets
Apr 14th 2022
Pourquoi faire long quand on peut faire court ?

Ne dit on pas que "L' image est une force que la parole n'a pas forcément"?

Voici 15 images PUISSANTES qui vont te parler.

Inspiré par : @jackbutcher

D'ailleur si tu as manqué la PARTIE 1 voici le lien 😎👇🏾

1) Vaut mieux un peu de repos que d'abandonner.
Read 18 tweets
Aug 27th 2020
#Listen2Cities #LocalizingSDGs

#Culture is a key dimension of #SustainableDevelopment

In this thread, we will show how #cities#GoodPractices have significantly contributed to achieving #SDGs as referred in our OBS 🔗 and Guide…
#SDG11 aims at promoting the #sustainable #development of #cities

👉#SDG11 is the Goal that addresses #culture more directly, with Target 11.4 aiming at strengthening efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s #cultural and natural #heritage

#Listen2Cities #LocalizingSDGs
👉In #BeitSahour the revitalization of the historic Old City and its related #heritage has contributed to local #identity and #sustainable tourism

✨See good practice here 🔗…

#Listen2Cities #LocalizingSDGs #SDG11
Read 13 tweets
Aug 22nd 2020
1-Today is the #Birth #Anniversary of quite possibly the most interesting #God in the #Sanatana #Pantheon - #Ganehsa!

For #AyurvedicAstrology and #VedicAstrology #Tradition in general – Ganesha is the central #God controlling all the #Planets.
2-The Puja timings at most places today in #India are between 11 and 1 during the day.

No tradition is as rich in #Mythical #Symbolism (that if properly meditated upon – can point to the reality) – as the Vedic Tradition.
3-According to the #Vedic Traditions of #Yoga, #Vastu, #Ayurveda and #Jyotish

..the following are the #Metaphors and #Allegories associated with #Ganesha
Read 8 tweets
Jul 11th 2020
Take risks.

Be creative.

If you are not being criticized you may not be pushing enough boundaries or really challenging the status quo.

The world needs those who maintain and stay neatly within boxes too.

As well as those who draw new boxes or erase the lines entirely. Image
At this time when everyone is focused on social justice and racial equity, however, it is important to commit to speak certain truths

not be deterred by the labels that get applied to those who say out loud the uncomfortable things others may quietly observe
Some truths, when spoken, come with significant sacrifices and consequences

It’s why we need more people expressing their truths and speaking up - yes, it gets loud, messy, chaotic, uncontrolled

But staying silent and “within bounds” is dangerous…
Read 4 tweets
Dec 6th 2019
1/3 Today I share my #childlessnotbychoice story at @linsdrabwell childfree blog. I am nowhere near to saying I am childfree, but I am now comfortable with saying I am childless not choice and that being #childless doesn't define me. I am more than what I am not. Image
'Once or twice we were able to mark in pen, but it wasn’t permenant, like our lost babies, the ink disappeared, but the marks of love are still very much visible.' Read the full post at….
Read 3 tweets
Oct 24th 2019
1/6 Grief journeys

Somedays it is beautiful, days full of exploration, of curiosity. The sun is out and it warms my battered heart, offering hope of healing, of a life that will be just as alive as if we had kids.

#childlessnotbychoice #planb #healing #childlesscommunity
2/6 On other-days I plunge into an internal void, where my childless sadness grapple-hooks past tortures. Even so the sun is out, it just burns my skin, as I forget to care for myself. For I repeat past stories that scream I am not worth it.

#childless #invisiblegrief #grief
3/6 More often than not, somedays and other-days are the same-day. As I reflect on my yesterdays I find myself wanting to tell myself new stories. Stories based in now, not conjured from the tricks of the past. In this moment I matter,

#childlessnotbychoice #loss #journey
Read 6 tweets
Aug 10th 2019
19. United States decided to label #IRGC terrorists. But who are the real terrorists? Who created, trained, armed & financed the worst terrorist groups in the world?

#Hypocrites #DoubleStandards #Liars #Warlords #USRealTerrorists
Wrong US policies in the Middle East. Sanctions against Iran. Sanctions used by the USA as a war weapon🤨👇🏼
1. United States decided to label #IRGC terrorists. But who are the real terrorists? Who created, trained, armed & financed the worst terrorist groups in the world?🤨👇🏼…
Read 165 tweets
Jun 14th 2019
1/ #Assange l'avait prédit pendant qu'on le calomniait et qu'on le maltraitait. Il disait que le monde changeait et que les soi-disant démocraties libérales devenaient des #autocraties. Une #démocratie qui envoie sa #police contre les journalistes et emporte leurs notes et
2/ leurs disques durs simplement parce que ces journalistes ont révélé ce que les gouvernements ne veulent pas que les gens sachent n'est pas une #démocratie.
3/ le #harcèlement d'Assange et l'#intimidation d'autres personnes tournent en dérision le Premier amendement de la #Constitution des États-Unis, qui dit que vous avez le #droit de publier ; vous avez le droit de "#publier et d'être damné".
Read 24 tweets

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