How do the rest of us live inside of this reality?
As an educator, I think about our role, too (though that's on a longer trajectory).
But the reality is many electorates understand & desire debasement & authoritarianism.
What to do?
But I also believe lots of people have thought, and this is the violent, racist, sexist reality they want.
What to do, then?
So, I learned that hope can take generations— but also that none of reading this now may live to see what we dream of become real.
It's the desire of (m)(b)illions of ppl.
Men like Andrew Sullivan—a gay, immigrant, Harvard PhD who thinks the Democrats (whose last POTUS deported more ppl than any!) want “mass immigration”
Men like Andrew Sullivan—a gay, immigrant, Harvard PhD who thinks the Democrats (whose last POTUS deported more ppl than any!) want “mass immigration”