Citizenship Act 1955
Passport (Entry into India) Act, 1920
Foreigners Act, 1946
Assam Accord 1985
You can't do a complete discussion on this bill, without invoking others
Fact is, the Govt of India already has those powers
Well, this is what Foreigners act, 1946, says.
The act has got 18 Sections, More than 60 subsections, and 100 clauses. Each one having a different Implication or the other.
And that act as a whole remains intact. It does not have any religious indentity.
And you know what it deals with
"Illegal migrant"
And you know who defined these illegal migrants.
The UPA govt of 2004.
Because the original act had no mention of them.
And how does it affect the legal migration process?
All protests are happening based on incomplete understanding of the implications of the act.
Assam and NE are against the whole amendment itself.
I have not come across one piece that explains the CAB, while considering all the relevant acts mentioned and analyzing all its implications
If you have such an article, please share.
P. S : I know there are many more people who know the Constitution better than me. If I have made mistakes, please correct me.