The Stolen 2016 Election.
It was not an election.
It was a robbery.
A review of past articles makes it clear there is no election to “undo”.
Trump/Russia Active Measures continue.
2 Ways Russia Helped Trump Steal The Election…
How Russia Helped Swing the Election for Trump
“ 2016, “Russian masterminds” pulled off a technological and political coup. Moreover,..the American media “inadvertently helped them achieve their goals.”…
The 2016 election was stolen. Got a nicer way to say that?
“If you don’t want to call it stolen, I’d like to hear your suggestion for a more appropriate word for what just happened.”…

Russia intervened to help Trump win election: intelligence officials
“..Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help..Trump win the White House, and not just to undermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system..”…
Were State Vote Totals Changed in 2016?
“..exit polls..wildly missed the mark in four key swing states,..having predicted that Clinton would win Florida, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Wisconsin.”…

Red Shift 2016
FLORIDA — 29 Electoral Votes
(numbers equal percentage points)
Exit Polls: Clinton 47.7, Trump 46.4 — Clinton wins by 1.3
Actual: Clinton 47.8, Trump 49.0 — Trump wins by 1.2
Trump gain between exit polls and actual results: 2.5
Red Shift 2016
NORTH CAROLINA — 15 Electoral Votes
Exit Polls: Clinton 48.6, Trump 46.5 — Clinton wins by 2.1
Actual: Clinton 46.1, Trump 49.9 — Trump wins by 3.8
Trump gain: 5.9
Red Shift 2016
PENNSYLVANIA — 20 Electoral Votes
Exit Polls: Clinton 50.5, Trump 46.1 — Clinton wins by 4.4
Actual: Clinton 47.6, Trump 48.8 — Trump wins by 1.2
Trump gain: 5.6
Red Shift 2016
WISCONSIN — 10 Electoral Votes
Exit Polls: Clinton 48.2, Trump 44.3 — Clinton wins by 3.9
Actual: Clinton 47.6, Trump 48.8 — Trump wins by 1.2
Trump gain: 5.1
As indicted “..the FBI discovered that two Russian military officers, Anatoliy Sergeyevich Kovalev and Aleksandr Vladimirovich Osadchuk, conspired to hack into U.S. election systems in October 2016.”
“..According to..the indictment, Netyksho, Antonov, Badin, Yermakov, Lukashev, Morgachev, Kozachek,Yershov, Malyshev, Osadchuk, Potemkin &Kovalev were officials in Unit 26165 &Unit 74455 of the Russian gov’t’s Main Intelligence Directorate.”
“.. In the 15 years since electronic voting machines were first adopted by many states, numerous reports by computer scientists have shown nearly every make and model to be vulnerable to hacking..”
“..Nothing I know about the machines would defend against’’ an attack where a hacker altered voting software.. ‘‘So this is a vulnerability that should be taken quite seriously.’’
Douglas W. Jones, computer-science professor at University of Iowa.
“..Just about everyone concedes that Russia is working to disrupt our electoral systems– disrupt our governmental system..”