Of course, #MedEd podcasts filled lots of my time. But I try hard have something else in queue that isn’t medical.
I’ve been craving a better understanding of race in America. These audio recs helped and are all ones I listened to more than once.
I’d recommend them all.
This podcast @SceneOnRadio’s multipart season called “Seeing White” was absolutely brilliant. I’ve listened to it no less than 4 times and learn something new each time.
Dang. There’s so much I didn’t know. Check this out if you haven’t. It’s mind blowing—and interesting.

Have you ever heard of the #reversefreedomriders?
This recent episode of @NPRCodeSwitch will make your chest hurt. My college-educated parents from Alabama had never heard of this. I hadn’t either.
We need to hear more truths. This really happened. Damn.

Here’s another recent one that I’ve already replayed 3 times—this episode of @HiddenBrain.
Location, location, location. For those interested in disparities, this is such a good listen. So much to think about, man. Check it out.

I’ve said it before: @KieseLaymon’s memoir “Heavy” reminded me of the first time I heard Lauryn Hill sing. It’s like nothing you’ve ever heard or read.
Just wow.
You want raw blackness? Read this. I immediately relistened as soon as it finished. He narrates—so dope. 👊🏽

The reason I loved all of these is because they build understanding of the complexities of being black in America.
It’s not just about bootstraps. Some people never got boots. And still can’t because the boot shop is closed.