#Venezuela #AttemptCoupInVenezuela #War #Warlords2019 #TheWorldWithVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVzla #Democracy #HumanRights #dignity #Peace #Love #Freedom #UNCharter
April 30
President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro is supporting Juan Guaido.
reuters.com/article/us-ven… …
April 30
A new record! Within twelve hours of launching a coup attempt, its leader Leopoldo Lopez has already fled to the Chilean embassy.
finance.yahoo.com/news/guaido-cl… …
April 30
A report has come in that demonstrators have lynched a man at the exclusive Plaza Altamira (an opposition stronghold). Need further updates for verification.
April 30
12 hours after launching a supposedly widely-supported coup attempt, Leopoldo Lopez is in hiding in the Chilean embassy and 25 Venezuelan military units that joined him have fled to Brazil's. #worstcoupever
rt.com/news/457985-ve… …
April 30
Maybe it was the part when he said he wanted the US to directly rule instead of Venezuelans. Or maybe it was when they started lynching people. Either way, this is not going to plan again.
MY 1
UPDATE: Lopez decided he didn't like the Chilean embassy so sidled over to the Spanish embassy instead.
April 30
Venezuela’s Guaidó Falsely Claims Military Uprising in Progress: Mainstream Media Falls in Line
therealnews.com/stories/venezu… …
May 1
the CIA placed all their hope for regime change in Venezuela on someone who wears Power Balance bracelets in 2019

May 1
Doug Jones also uses the phrase "all options are on the table" which is explicitly a threat of nuclear war, if you know the phrase's history.
May 1
The upside down dictatorship of Venezuela where killers like Leopoldo Lopez can walk from one embassy to another freely to claim asylum for being oppressed.
May 1
UPDATE: Lopez decided he didn't like the Chilean embassy so sidled over to the Spanish embassy instead.
The lengths to which the @washingtonpost is going in order not to say the word "coup"... #Venezuela

May 1
Supposedly objective Wall Street Journalist describes coup leader Juan Guaido as if it is a piece about a popstar for Seventeen Magazine

May 1
Jake Tapper of @CNN removes images of OPPOSITION paramilitaries that supposedly illustrated government crimes.
I took a bit of heat for claiming Western journalists see themselves as the ideological shock troops in a war against🇻🇪& that there is 0 difference between CIA press releases &"objective"international reporting.But this tweet from an @WSJ reporter sums it up

May 1
"acting U.S. Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan said the United States had carried out “exhaustive planning” on Venezuela." reut.rs/2XSo7Dc
Excellent new article from @TeddyOstrow on US media bias on #Venezuela. Not one mainstream voice in the sample opposed a US overthrow of Venezuela.
May 1
So great Blumenthal is trending. My interview with him on Venezuela & the way @Maghanmccain's dad & husband embrace antisemitism is great! @MaxBlumenthal soundcloud.com/katie-halper/u…
May 1
Guaido calls for staggered strikes leading up to a national strike. He made the announcement from the opposition demonstration today in eastern Caracas. The latest chess move from Guaido & the🇺🇸government to try and topple pres Maduro 🇻🇪
May 1
Blackwater's Eric Prince tried to convince Trump to let him send thousands of mercenaries to🇻🇪to overthrow Mauduro.The people claiming this isn’t a coup (most of the media) aren’t arguing in good faith.They're a key part of the coup.
May 1
Anyone who wants to understand how the mainstream media rewrites reality in Venezuela must read this article in @FAIRmediawatch by @AlanRMacLeod. When they help push for a US-backed coup, they can at least call it what it is: a coup. fair.org/home/venezuela…
Massive pro-Maduro march today in Caracas.According to manyhere,it's 1of the largest in years&one of the most spirited underMaduro.Thousands walked miles.Guaido said today would be 1 of the largestMarches.He was right,but the people came out in support of Maduro.

May 1
@IlhanMN just won't stop standing up to power.
"Ilhan Omar Speaks Out Against U.S. Sanctions & Bipartisan Support for Regime Change in Venezuela"
democracynow.org/2019/5/1/ilhan… …
May 1
Front page of today’s WaPo. Caption reads “opponents of Maduro scuffle with national guard soldier”. Does that look like a “scuffle” to anyone? Looks more like they’re trying to strangle him to me. But “scuffle” makes him sound equally responsible.

May 1
Today's @washingtonpost frontpage. There aren't many countries where peaceful democracy activists put members of the National Guard in choke holds. But such is life in the upside-down world of #Venezuela.

May 1
MSM breathlessly covers every anti-government protest in 🇻🇪, yet ZERO coverage of massive anti-government protests in🇭🇳, 🇭🇹, 🇨🇴,🇦🇷, even 🇫🇷: all neoliberal 🇺🇸allies. Interesting how the MSM narrative serves the global economic elite.
May 1
"Our part of the world". Good to see it took Democrats about two weeks longer than the most crazed NeoCons to invoke the 200 year old Monroe Doctrine.
May 1
One of the positives to come out of today is there still appears to be no deaths from the violence in #Venezuela if @AP is correct.
My new book "Propaganda in the Information Age: Still Manufacturing Consent" is now available for preorder! It's about fake news and the new media landscape & features a chapter from Noam Chomsky. Use promo code "FLR40"for a 20% discount! bit.ly/2VrZtZb

May 2
'It appears that the main base of support for the #Venezuela coup was the US government…and the media.'
Well said, @AlanRMacLeod
May 2
Exposing the media's complicity and contortions over the failed #VenezuelaCoup
Excellent examination from @AlanRMacLeod
May 2
This fraud and an army of sock-puppets are trying to dupe everyone into believing the🇺🇸 has sent two aircraft carriers to🇻🇪.
They have not.
The #disinformation campaign hasn't given up on this yet, they're still pushing it, and retweeting it.
Speak out!

#USSDwightDEisenhower at one point yesterday WAS headed South, but then it turned East.
#USSTheodoreRoosevelt never went far from port& returned to San Diego already.
Neither were& are not now, headed to🇻🇪.
If you see someone lying about it, paste this thread.

🇺🇸 #USNavy Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (MMSI:368962000|CS:NIKE)
April26: Departed Norfolk, VA
Last seen: May1 00:07Z
18.2kn / 87°
#USSDwightDEisenhower #CVN69 #CSG10⚓
🇺🇸 #USNavy Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (MMSI:366984000|CS:NNTR)
Last seen:
2019-05-02 21:09Z (14:09 LT)
San Diego,CA
#USSTheodoreRoosevelt #CVN71 #AIS ⚓
marinetraffic.com/en/ais/details… …
May 2
🇺🇸 #USNavy Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (MMSI:368800000|CS:NHST)
Last seen:
2019-05-02 21:08Z
5.8kn / 224°
#USSHarrySTruman #CVN75 #AIS ⚓
marinetraffic.com/en/ais/details… …
dvidshub.net/video/649785/e… …
May 2
(by now those locations have updated, sorry, it took me a while to find their best videos set to a jaunty tune)
🇺🇸 #USNavy Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (MMSI:368800000|CS:NHST) last seen off the coast of Virginia.
#USSHarrySTruman #CVN75 #AIS ⚓

🇺🇸 #USNavy Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (MMSI:366984000|CS:NNTR) is still in San Diego, CA.
#USSTheodoreRoosevelt #CVN71 #AIS ⚓
🇺🇸 #USNavy Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (MMSI:368962000|CS:NIKE); no update since 2019-05-01, when they were headed EAST after departing Norfolk VA 2019-04-26.
#USSDwightDEisenhower #CVN69 #CSG10 ⚓
May 2
I wonder if this Republican politician will face any consequences for pushing some of the most outlandish, inaccurate regime change propaganda imaginable.
Only joking, I've read Manufacturing Consent. 📕 #Venezuela

May 2
If the US government or the mainstream media had any shame the botched coup in Venezuela would be one of the most embarrassing events in history. But they don't.
Here's @jimmy_dore explaining
May 1
If you're interested in what's happening right now, it might be a good time to read my book "Bad News From venezuela: 20 years of fake news and misreporting"

May 2
In the media, when you hear talk about "the Venezuelan people" it is always used to mean whichever Venezuelans who agree with the US government. I wrote about it here:
The🇻🇪opposition r global rock stars, sporty chamos who prove u can burn & behead black people,bomb, assassinate,kill dozens—& still have the same🇺🇸media tht ignores & erases these actions do fashion shoots & gushing"news"stories th week u call 4 armed insurrection.

May 2
Once again Western media get it wrong on Venezuela- @mfox_us in @thenation
May 2
Fox News, of all places, hosts @anyaparampil who lacerates the mainstream media on Venezuela.
Economists @miguelsantos12 & @ricardo_hausman used misleading graphs to challenge latest @ceprdc report, on the deadly impact of US #sanctions on #Venezuela. Here's @MarkWeisbrot & Jeffrey Sachs' response, also citing @frrodriguezc cepr.shorthandstories.com/venezuela-sanc…
Images from opposition reader Leopoldo Lopez's house show he's been reading a lot of Adolf Hitler.
But remember, he's a social democrat leftie and how dare you call him far-right!
May 3
Excellent video from @AlanRMacLeod on Venezuela situation with background, missteps, sanctions etc
Your reminder that a recent opposition plan to amass an army of 200 soldiers to shoot their way across the border to bring Guaidó back into Venezuela after an overseas tour was only stopped by a panicked Colombian government
May 3
Thank you @AlanRMacLeod for writing about the subtext behind the word "brutal dictator"
May 2
This is the fourth piece the @guardian has published about this absurd Russian spy beluga whale story. Yet still nothing about the @ceprdc study finding US sanctions responsible for 40,000 deaths in Venezuela.
This could be one for @aaronjmate and @ggreenwald's list of most absurd Russia stories.

Another example proving that "the Venezuelan people" means whoever agrees with the US government.
fair.org/home/the-venez… … (h/t @v_zilber)

By "🇻🇪" @Wapo doesn't mean the elected gov't but a small subsection of the population working with the US to overthrow the govt.
Beautifully framing the situation as clueless kids vs real 🇻🇪.How did they convey so much in just two sentences! Bravo!

MINTCAST: Co-hosts @AlanRMacLeod and @_whitneywebb discuss current events in 🇱🇰, 🇫🇷 and 🇻🇪 and also delve into US efforts to hide the real history of the Korean War, as well as #JoeBiden’s history of teaming up with American racists.
Fascinating interview here between my wonderful colleague @jmcevoy2 and the excellent @AlanRMacLeod
thecanary.co/feature/2019/0… … #Venezuela #VenezuelaCoup
@KyleKulinski: "Mainstream Media Hosted 0 Anti-Regime Change Voices" , discussing @TeddyOstrow's new study in @FAIRmediawatch
Boy, the media sure want us to know that there is definitely, positively no coup happening right now in #Venezuela

The Trump administration is threatening a disastrous military intervention in🇻🇪Under our Constitution,only Congress can authorize the use of force. We must make sure the🇺🇸does not get involved in yet another war & destabilize another region.
@csdickey and @thedailybeast need to listen to bernie on this. and remember what happened to Der Sturmers publisher Julius Streicher
This has the feeling of when, in 2003 there was a huge media push to link Iraq to 9/11
April 30
“The dramatic events playing out in the opposition’s stronghold in wealthier eastern Caracas appeared not to have triggered a broader military revolt.”
In🇻🇪, the🇺🇸media cheers on a provocation for war by the🇺🇸-backed opposition apnews.com/0153cace08c84c…
What would happen in the US if an opposotion leader tried to provoke a war in the street with heavily armed soldiers backed by a few armored vehicles, like Guaidó just did in Venezuela?
April 30
“Footage showed supporters of Mr Guaidó throwing stones at the airbase while others waved Venezuelan flags but their actions seemed to lack co-ordination.” 🤷🏻♀️ bbc.com/news/world-lat…
May 2
subtitled version of venezuelan soldiers saying they had been lied to by the Guido men to support the coup attempt facebook.com/peaceactionzen…
@realDonaldTrump only the people of🇻🇪stand with their govt not yours...theyve seen what🇺🇸has done in🇨🇱1973,🇱🇾2011 🇺🇦2014: staging coups & waging wars.
Venezuela - Guaidó Got Snookered - White House Starts Beating War Drums

It was a privilege to denounce devastating sanctions &🇺🇸coup attempt against 🇻🇪on the most watched news show in the🇺🇸.
Thank you @TuckerCarlson for giving me space to tell the truth about🇻🇪& call on Trump to fire Bolton, Abrams & Pompeo!
May 1
Kudos to @MikeBrestDC for asking why both parties in Washington DC support regime change in Venezuela.
My response to this key question:

May 3
the coup that isnt a coup gets he @thedailybeast treament by @csdickey thedailybeast.com/venezuela-when… … #HandsOffVenezuela
May 2
Turkey supports elected government in Venezuela against coup attempt anews.com.tr/world/2019/05/…
So Leopoldo López is enjoying asylum in the residence of the Spanish ambassador. Wasn't it Spain that was so upset about Assange's supposed interference in it's internal affairs?theguardian.com/world/2019/may…
#Guaido should be arrested. If you staged a coup attempt on USA you would be arrested by Trump regime #HandsOffVenezuela
May 2
how is senor #guaido The Guided One the legit president of venezuela? ...u've even dropped the 'interim' tag.
is Hillary Clinton the legit president of USA? #HandsOffVenezuela venezuelanalysis.com/news/14453
"in January,Trump Admin started pushing Guaido to try to take the country over. The legal pretext was constitution allows the head of parliament to be an “interim president” if the president-elect doesn’t show up for his inauguration". news.antiwar.com/2019/05/01/us-…
@marcorubio This is where you are wrong: the opposition blocks streets as shown in the pictures. In the past, anybody who tried to clean it up risked being attacked & some were killed. Now those doing the cleaning arm themselves for protection.

Patriotic Civilians of Venezuela won't be supporting a US coup in their country @AmbJohnBolton , would u like people who support a coup in yours? #HandsOffVenezuela
"🇻🇪had free,fair&transparent Elections&Manages+sophisticated & accurate voting system in the🌍Former President Jimmy Carter said“of the 92 elections we’ve monitored,the election process in🇻🇪is the best in the world”
@JoeBiden What is criminal is a brutal response to protestors by the🇫🇷cops during May1st parade! Secondary,you & your son Hunter are criminals. Hunter amassed $17 million from the🇺🇦Gov, which you supported & brokered a deal to give them a monetary relieve.#Perv
May 3
And here I send you a better image of the Bolivarian March of May 1, 2019 in Caracas in support of @NicolasMaduro

Venezuela vs America
May 2
Twitter verifies newly-formed account for Guaido claiming to be the ‘official account of the presidency of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela’
May 2
Twitter decides who rules Venezuela . Meaning the US regime is giving shadowy Twitter guys their marching orders
May 2
As somebody has said : "What if America did a coup d'etat and nobody came?"
This is the situation in Venezuela.
The Corporation with a printing press and + an army should get used to this for future attempts.
May 2
In decades past, millions herded the calls of Uncle Sam. As his tactics have become old and decrepit, his former victims have become older and wiser, and through time, this wisdom will leave America as the victim of its own malfeasance…
The Corporation with a printing press+an army is dusting its"table"off
The famous table with"all the options on it"
Lavrov has warned the Corporation that🇷🇺will be forced to break a few legs
Break the table's legs and be done w it
May 2
@MarkLandler @julianbarnes Don't you think regime change / coups are criminal? Here is reason to Impreach trump . Hiring @AmbJohnBolton is reason to impeach trump
May 1
I’m watching CNN in Spanish from Bogota, and I can’t believe how rightwing it is on #Venezuela. Almost 100% opposition people interviewed—oh, and US government officials (which is the same thing).
May 2
Medea Benjamin is in Columbia!
And CNN is US media and US is right wing country
I can't believe that anyone can seriously watch Bolton spew his 'we need to protect the citizens of Venezuela blah blah blah' grotesque regime change shit and actually believe it. Especially with Elliott Abrams as the point man. democracynow.org/2019/1/30/alla…
@RepRoKhanna @medeabenjamin Usa has no history of Promoting diplomacy and restraint not in Latin America !
The🇺🇸govt shamelessly & immorally acknowledges its authorship in this criminal attempted coup in 🇻🇪!They show to the🌍their desire to destroy our Homeland!The 🇻🇪people will continue to defeat the imperial aggressions in peace!Long Live 🇻🇪
May 2
#SOUTHCOM Plan to overthrow govt of Venezuela greanvillepost.com/2019/05/02/u-s…
May 1
The Venezuelan opposition is now blocking embassy protectors from entering the grounds.
They have gathered in anticipation of Guaidó’s shadow puppet ambassador, @carlosvecchio’s, visit to the Maduro diplomatic mission.

Here is how the🇻🇪opposition reacted to me when I tried to📹their rally outside the Maduro govt’sEmbassy
Since I’m a Washington based reporter who is critical of Trump’s CoupAttempt, they tried to ShutMeDown & SecretService AskedMe toLeave.
May 1
Look at these people. This is the anti-democratic, violent, wicked face of Venezuela’s opposition. As they lose on the streets of Washington & Caracas they become more angry and desperate.
May 2
a disappointed man:
"@SecPompeo said top Venezuelan officials have not been as clear about abandoning @NicolasMaduro as Trump administration officials had alleged just 24 hours ago."
Funny..CarterCenter monitored theElections,looked over everything,had huge amounts of access.🇺🇳& others agreed w their conclusion
But self-hating🇻🇪rich🚺whose husband thinks Hitler was a liberal,knows better than all of them..just because..
May 2
the coup in #venezuela that failed..what will US regime try next?
theatlantic.com/politics/archi… @UriLF of course a coup is illegal, esp if made by USA & in latin america @caitoz
May 2
'Donald Trump’s administration has at the same time continued issuing warnings to Maduro and his associates, though it’s unclear what effect they will actually have or whether they will save Guaidó. ' = Guaido is toast
May 2
They failed miserably.BUT they will continue as long as the criminal🇺🇸govt keeps at it. So,we,the millions around the WORLD will keep at it as well #HandsOffVenezuela. We are with the people of 🇻🇪defending their country & their elected President @maduro_en

May 2
If USUK can arrest Julian Assange for telling the truth, #LeopoldoLopez can be arrested for telling lies and waging coups
May 2
israels former spokeswoman at UN Nimrata aka Nikki Haley is back in the news!
this time to attack @IlhanMN and defend the coup attempt, while claiming to care for venezuelans

May 2
Israels former UN rep Nimrata back to defend a coup attempt in venezuela. ignores US sanctions on venezuela
venezuelanalysis.com/analysis/14459 #HandsOffVenezuela
Al Baghdadi is like the Phoenix bird:reborn from his own ashes
At the same time with the rebranding of Erik Prince's company: from Blackwater to Academi too Vinceroy
Now in 🇮🇶
And calling for 5000 mercenaries to topple Maduro
By @bodhibrian
@NikkiHaley hey Nimrata! US Sanctions on Venezuela Harm Human Rights of Innocent People, UN Expert Warns
May 2
I hope they have 5000 coffins ready
Or will they just throw the bodies on a garbage dump like they do with US servicemen killed in Afghanistan
May 3
NEW: Massive Secret Service Presence at Venezuelan Embassy as Activists and Protesters Face Off
Watch the full report here:
Secret Service or SS! 🙃
does the SS know its illegal to break into an embassy ?
This #2May I shared an extraordinary encounter w the Boys&Girls of our Homeland.His strength & joy is the living image of the determination of the🇻🇪people,who overcomes the difficulties& advances towards the construction of our beautiful🇻🇪
🇮🇹's far-right racist leader Matteo Salvini is openly supporting the right-wing coup attempt in🇻🇪
Salvini has made not-so-subtle homages to founder of fascism Mussolini & is a close ally of Trump & Bannon.
Fascists love fellow fascists.
Bizarre why would he do that? right wing politics? esp as hes keen to create ties with russia
This little show by #Guaido certainly has brought out the pro-🇺🇸-coup trolls. This situation in🇻🇪& this #OperacionLibertad is a CIA orchestrated freak show. Nothing good will come of it. You only have to look at SouthAmerica's history with the🇺🇸to realise this.

Finally, some hints in @guardian at the reality of the🇻🇪coup attempt. But even after its failure,the paper obscures the obvious truth that it was the🇺🇸through Guaido,that sought to bribe Venezuela's security services to overthrow Maduro dumptheguardian.com/world/2019/may…
Venezuela's Guaido.
It’s Ok to meet with Kim Jong-Un, but not with democratically elected Venezuelan President Nicholas Maduro?
Looks pretty clearly like Guaido and John Bolton were duped by Venezuelan Defense Minister @vladimirpadrino and paid an embarrassing price for it wsj.com/articles/venez…

Walrus-like Chickenhawk @AmbJohnBolton may have hijacked Trump's foreign policy, but he's having a hard time getting the generals to go along with his plan to exchange the blood of American soldiers for Venezuela's vast oil wealth washingtonpost.com/world/national…

May 3
On April 30, @AmbJohnBolton and Juan Guaido enacted a plan to turn Venezuela’s military against President Nicolas @maduro_en.
Here’s how that worked out:
May 3
On April 30 @jguaido assured Washington that he had the support of the🇻🇪people & the country’s armed forces as he & his mentor,Leopoldo Lopez,launched another coup
Here they are after it flopped. (Lopez soon fled into the🇨🇱embassy.)
Wikileaks reveal US playbook- transferred from Syria-played out in Venezuela

Maio 2
I'm charged with "missile throwing"--not kidding folks. My "missle". Was a loaf of French bread to feel the protectors of the embassy.
Anyone wanna make a meme of me as bread "missile" thrower????
Venezuela Embassy protector Ariel gold is freed : charged with throwing bread missiles that hit noone . You'd think police have worse criminals to catch
@ArielElyseGold was arrested trying to bring in food & medicine into the #Venezuelan embassy.
Tell me this revolution happening in🇻🇪 is not racial or classist in its revolt? This is what we don’t see. This our imperialism & democrats are hypocrites in joining Trump, the man they love to hate, when it comes to war & censorship.

At Venezuela embassy Washington the guaido mob is openly racist
there in Venezuelan Embassy, US repeat his war actions like against Syria, nobody invited him, but there is to destroy and steal in the name of democracy, freedom of the press and defense of international law.

May 2
Drone footage of pro Maduro march. You don’t see THIS on @CNN or in the @NYTimes or @LATimes. h/t @ErikaOSanoja @RojoCamacaro #HandsOffVenezuela
May 2
@TulsiGabbard @IlhanMN @RashidaTlaib @AOC Co-founder of ALBA, Venezuela, is attacked to break will of ALBA albainfo.org by same neocons who destroy for this Israeli plan globalresearch.ca/greater-israel… Meet them mastersofdeception.wordpress.com/2013/07/18/mas…
The head of Russian GRU describing the methods used by the Corporation with a printing press + an army to bring "freedom+ democracy to Venezuela".
US backed ex Venezuelan Forces attacking Venezuela from Colombian territory !
Filomena is a great wealth of knowledge on Venezuela. Follow her. This is one of her Mega threads
@SpeakerPelosi Here is your "peaceful protest" in Venezuela, Madame Speaker.
Please resign. You are a threat to us all, not a help to any of us.
Imagine if Americas Venezuela ambassador was hob mobbing with Venezuelas secret service . Hed be fired and On first plane home
Yes, but the fact that Venezuela has *THE* largest oil reserves in the world is pure Cohencidence 😎
Ahem. What's wrong with Kim Jon UN? FYI Kim and DPRK under sanction attack by USA . Also Kim Jon UN support Venezuela and president Maduro, showing he's honest astute and not a US puppet google.com.au/amp/s/www.brei…
Today the Embassy's DefenseCollective was able to bring food & medicines to the compound, opponents attacked @medeabenjamin & @ArielElyseGold. Guess who the secret service and the federal police wanted to charge them for assault? To them.
@MayorBowser Here is more video of Guaido's violent thugs attacking women, why will your officers not arrest these thugs? do they have city sanction? any blood spilled by them is on your hands.
@MayorBowser this appears to be a pretty clear Assault with Intent to Commit any other crime, punishable by up to 5 years in prison. The other crime is attempted theft code.dccouncil.us/dc/council/cod…
American Economy is based on human destruction machinery only. To get business they keep destabilizing world peace behind fake slogan of Freedom and Democracy!!! What a Shame !
Enemies stab you in the back but friends Stab you in the front (Wilde)
Jacobin stabs Venezuela in the front
The official line parroted by the media was that the uprising was by the Venezuelan masses, but everything John Bolton and Elliot Abrams said suggests that the failed coup was made in Washington.
@TomWalkom not bad thestar.com/opinion/star-c… … but @NicolasMaduro never prevented aid entering Venezuela. Just USAID, which contained nails & razor wire ! Venezuela has a government not a 'regime' . Trudeau is a puppet of USA just as @jguaido the Guided One is.
She invents Wars-obviously her little chat with little Rubio filled her head with more BS-maybe too much "casting couch" to get to the top
The🇻🇪opposition doesn't even try to hide its blatant racism.They are proud white racists,descendants of European oligarchs who colonized Latin America & are angry that a govt has dared to try to resist neo-colonialism and be independent
No josh . Actual Venezuelans: the legit govt, gave @codepink and others permission to enter the embassy and protect it.Venezuelans outside when they break in trash the place : that's a crime right?
#Venezuelan pres. #Maduro calls on armed forces to be 'ready' in case of U.S. attack
#Venezuela's #Maduro tells armed forces to be 'ready' in case of US attack
#Venezuela #AttemptCoupInVenezuela #War #Warlords2019 #TheWorldWithVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVzla #Democracy #HumanRights #dignity #Peace #Love #Freedom #UNCharter