1⃣mix of staple foods such as wheat, maize, rice & potatoes with legumes like lentils & beans
2⃣plenty of fresh fruit & vegetables
3⃣foods from animal sources (meat, fish, eggs & milk)
Choose wholegrain foods like unprocessed maize, millet, oats, wheat and brown rice when you can. They are rich in valuable fibre and can help you feel full for longer. bit.ly/2rL9hjM
Choose lean meats where possible or trim it of visible fat. bit.ly/2rL9hjM
Try steaming or boiling instead of frying foods when cooking. bit.ly/2rL9hjM
For snacks, choose raw vegetables, unsalted nuts and fresh fruit, rather than foods that are high in sugars, fats or salt. bit.ly/2rL9hjM
1⃣Use salt sparingly & reduce use of salty sauces and condiments
2⃣Avoid snacks that are high in salt
3⃣When using canned or dried products, choose varieties without added salt & sugars
4⃣Remove salt & salty condiments from the table & avoid adding them out of habit
5⃣Check the labels on food and go for products with lower sodium content
bit.ly/2rL9hjM #BeatNCDs
Let's #BeatNCDs. 👉 bit.ly/2rL9hjM
1⃣Replace butter, lard & ghee with healthier oils such as soybean, canola (rapeseed), corn, safflower and sunflower
2⃣Try steaming or boiling instead of frying food when cooking.
Let's #BeatNCDs bit.ly/2rL9hjM
3⃣Choose white meat like poultry & fish, trim meat of visible fat & limit the consumption of processed meats
4⃣Check labels & always avoid all processed, fast & fried foods that contain industrially-produced trans fat
A single can of soda can contain up to 10 teaspoons of added sugar!
Let's #BeatNCDs. bit.ly/2rL9hjM
1⃣Limit intake of sweets & sugary drinks:
-Fizzy drinks
-Fruit juices
-Juice drinks
-Liquid & powder concentrates
-Flavoured water
-Energy & sports drinks
-Ready-to-drink tea & coffee
-Fflavoured milk drinks
bit.ly/2rL9hjM #BeatNCDs
2⃣Choose healthy fresh snacks
3⃣Avoid giving sugary foods to children. Salt and sugars should not be added to complementary foods given to children under 2 years of age, and should be limited beyond that age.
bit.ly/2rL9hjM #BeatNCDs
Drinking too much, or too often, increases risk of:
-Liver damage
-Heart disease
-Mental illness
-Pregnant or breastfeeding
-Operating machinery
-Having health problems which may be made worse by alcohol
-Taking 💊 which directly interact with alcohol
-Having difficulties with controlling your drinking