Lisa Murkowski is NOT Susan Collins
Murkowski was the only GOP who did NOT vote yes to Kavanaugh
She voted to save Healthcare
She voted against Trump in the Nat'l Emergency
She's stood up before
@lisamurkowski can #DoTheRightThing
We can't count on Susan Collins...
But I'm not ready to give up on Susan Collins
I was surprised to find the GOP who voted against Trump more than any other GOP was Collins
@SenatorCollins you need to to #DoTheRightThing for Democracy AND Reelection

49% of Iowans recently polled DISAPPROVE of Trumps performance
Joni Ernst has stood up toTrump before. In 2016 she turned down the chance to be Trumps VP...
@joniernst stand for a Fair Trial #DoTheRightThing

She's never won a Senator race since she lost to a Dem in 2018.
She has a tough election coming up.
But she also doesn't always follow the party line. She voted against Trump 3 times already.
@SenMcSallyAZ can #DoTheRightThing
@SenatorFischer take your Impeachment Oath seriously #DoTheRightThing…