A roundup of notably outrageous events resulting from Canada's gender self-identification laws and policies. Thread:
#9 Dr. Alicia Hendley, GNC-Centric and other outspoken women are banned from Twitter
#8 Mayor @JohnTory denounces women's Charter rights to free thought and expression, and freedom of assembly at Toronto Public Library
#7 Trans activists threaten #GIDYVR organizers and attendees (a mock guillotine figures prominently)
#6 Violent male offenders transferred to women's prisons
#5 Women attending Meghan Murphy's talk at the Toronto Public Library are harassed and threatened by a screaming hate mob
#4 BC father prevented by the state from questioning/halting experimental medical treatments on his child
#3 Feminists, and Meghan Murphy in particular, are blamed for the murder of a Toronto transwoman. Alleged killer is a trans ally. Mayor @JohnTory releases statement on transphobia before the facts are in

#2 Vancouver Rape Relief loses funding after accusations of transphobia by trans activist (and then VP of BC NDP) Morgane Oger
#1 Jessica Yaniv sues 16 immigrant women for declining to perform ball-waxing services #WayMyBalls
Dishonourable Mention: School board candidate running on a SOGI and "anti-bullying" platform threatens feminist with violence