Handy Timeline for #TrumpTheLiar in pictures...
1990s Lev Parnas sells condos for Fred Trump.
1995 he lives in Trump Village on Ocean Parkway.
2000s Igor Fruman Opens club Mafia Rave in Ukraine.
2005 Igor Fruman marries Yelyzaveta “Liza” Naumova in Miami.

2013 March 1 Lev Parnas’ Fraud Guarantee company sets up a website.2014 Russia invades Crimea.
2016 Lev Parnas’ son volunteers for the Trump campaign.
Ukrainian officials reveal Paul Manafort recieved millions of dollars in undeclared consulting work for Kremlin-backed Yanukovych. Manafort would eventually go to jail. Paul Manafort resigns.
2017 Jan 19 Parnas and Trump attend a Pre-inauguration gala for donors who contributed at least 250K to the inaugural.
2017 Jun 8 Rudolph W. Giuliani meets with Poroshenko and Lutsenko.