When the Newfoundlanders found him, he was fading in and out of consciousness.
What would they do to him?
Violet Pike was exasperated.
She couldn’t remove the black from Lanier’s skin. She kept scrubbing and scrubbing to no avail.
"The oil has gotten into his pores. It just won't come off."
Finally, the young man from Georgia had to tell her. "It's the colour of the skin. You can't get it off.”
He thought it would be the end.
She continued bathing him.
She fed him.
She cared for him.
She took him into her home.
Lanier Phillips sat at her table with her family and ate.
The experience changed him forever.
When he became the U.S. Navy's first black sonar technician, when he marched at Selma with #MLK, he never forgot Violet Pike and the Newfoundlanders.
He remembered them for the rest of his life.