Now being paid by Gript Media to snoop on you.
Lets take a look at what #AggregateIQ have done in the past, which might make suggestions about what happening here:
Rule one: Follow the money
They ran ads in a different country than where the DUP actually run themselves.…

Anyways Here @VickerySec sets out the digital fingerprints of AggregateIQ all over Gript Media baiting content website
Content that is then dropped on Facebook.
Firstly *all* media projects are *partly* data gathering entities. But most do actual journalism.
It's a reactionary platform that copy-pastes the work of other journalists and repackages with clickbaity headlines.
Basically a bettered resourced version of Leo Sherlock Facebook project "The Liberal", using the same model.
AggregateIQ are banned from Facebook for their dodgy right wing activity.

Gript laugh

Then people were 'insane' to claim Gript may be involved in manipulation of election.
Then McGuirk confirms Gript are already partners w an org w a rich history of election manipulation.

Anti -partitionist critiques aside, what does this mean for FB data UK citizens resident in the south and those considered UK citizens up north.
He says #AggregateIQ dies not have any access to the websites social media data
That would seem to be an outright lie.
Not to mention the #AggregateIQ was running it own copy of the site right up until yesterday.
