Judge Broderick: What this filed on the docket? I don't believe it was.
Patton: Filed under seal.
A Special Agent is called. She comes into Courtroom 110 from out in the hall. She cites Joint Terrorism Taskforce.
Agent: Yes. I was assigned to go to Bellevue Hospital to do an interview. I got there at 5 pm.
AUSA: Did you talk to any hospital personnel?
Agent: The doctor said the defendant was "critical but not likely" and that he would be cleared for law enforcement.
AUSA: Did you do this before?
Agent: Yes, in 2015.
Agent: No. There was no space on the form to sign.
AUSA: Looking at Government Exhibit 1, did you read the defendant these questions? And why did you put a "Y" on the form?
Agent: He answered Yes.
Agent: 8 1/2 hours.
AUSA: Did you take breaks? Why?
Agent: So the defendant could pray. We let him pray.
AUSA: Did he ask for anything?
Agent: He asked for water. He was talkative, alert, very calm.
Agent: He was lucid.
AUSA shows the defense a piece of paper, then walks it up to Witness-Agent.
Agent: This is the consent to search form.
It's admitted as Government Exhibit 2.
Agent: His Telegram account, his Google account and his YouTube account.
AUSA: Why are his cell phones not listed?
Agent: It was an oversight...
AUSA: What is this?
Agent: Waiver of speedy presentment.
Admitted as exhibit.
Agent: He gave it to me. Also for "brightautollp [at] Google dot com. He gave me what password too. And for YouTube.
Judge Broderick: Were the passwords the same?
Agent: No, the first one is different.
Judge Broderick: I ask for the parties to meet and confer about that, about redactions.
AUSA: When did you read this to him?
Agent: After 5 am. He asked me to read it again, slower with more detail.
Agent: I asked, can we get an interpreter here?
AUSA: And what did he say?
Agent: "Roger."
AUSA: What was the defendant speaking?
Agent: The language spoken in Uzbekistan.
Agent: That the defendant was cooperating and we were getting some good information.
Federal Defender (FD) asks, Is it fair to say the FBI dispatched teams all over the country, to everywhere the defendant has lived?
Agent: I don't know where they were sent.
Agent: I didn't drive.
FD: You were driven.
Agent: Yes.
Agent: Yes.
FD: You know what Quarles is, right?
Agent: Right.
[Again, on NY v Quarles, 1984 case, 2014 DOJ memo: justice.gov/sites/default/…
Agent: Yes.
FD: And in 2014 you were encouraged to video tape interviews?
Agent: Yes, there is a presumption.
FD: Have you done interviews in 26 Federal Plaza?
Agent: Yes.
Agent: Right.
FD: And they get turned over to defense attorneys, right?
Agent: Yes.
FD: They should be accurate, right?
Agent: They are a summary
Agent: We wanted to get the doctor's OK.
FD: So you had a small notebook of lined paper that you wrote on?
Agent: Yes
AUSA: Objection! We've briefed that, at docket 212, saying we don't intend to use any information from electronic surveillance
It's re-asked.
Agent: I was not aware.
FD: How many breaks did you take?
Agent: I can't recall.
FD: Would it refresh your recollection to review notes?
[Saipov indicates he has problem with interpretation; fixed]
Agent: Yes.
FD: Did you ask?
Agent: No, I did not ask.
FD: During the interview in the hospital room, were the blinds closed?
Agent: Let me think about it.
Agent: Yes.
FD: And Mr. Saipov was lying down on a hospital bed, with a tube in his arm and wires connecting his chest to an apparatus?
Agent: I can't recall.
Agent: When the nurse would come in, I would step out... [Pause] The medical staff came in and addressed his water needs.
FD: During the 9 hours, did you give him water?
Agent: I did not.
Agent: I didn't write everything down.
FD: You typed it up the next day, correct?
Agent: Correct.
Judge Broderick declares lunch break. He better hurry up - at 3:30 he is sentencing ex-Congressman's kid Cameron Collins...
Thread(s) will continue

Federal Defender (FD) - There was no video of your reading Mr. Saipov his Miranda rights, correct?
Agent: Correct.
Agent: We went to the hospital on an emergency basis.
FD: But in all those hours, you didn't ask anyone else to bring one?
Agent: You are correct.
Agent: Yes.
FD: You responded to that, "Hell yeah"
Agent: Correct.
Agent: No.
Judge Broderick: Did anyone ever ask you to stop the questioning?
Agent: No.
Agent: I don't recall.
Judge Broderick: Fair to say, you never drew your weapon?
Agent: That's right.
(More) re-direct.
AUSA: You said there was a linguist present, right?
Agent: Right.
Agent: Verbal consent.
AUSA: Nothing further.
AUSA: Did you interview Mr. Saipov?
Paugh: Yes.
AUSA: Can you identify him and a piece of clothing?
Paugh: Over there, in a white skull cap.
Paugh: I did.
FD: Because he was an associate of a person you have been investigating?
AUSA objects, and Judge Broderick sustains. FD continues.
Paugh: Not initially.
FD: And it's because of that other investigation that you were chosen to go to Bellevue?
Paugh: That's my understanding.