I’ll be taking the day off of Twitter for reflection. So today I’m threading together some thoughts on the things that I’ll be reflecting upon. 1/
At the same time very few survivors remain to tell us their stories. Half have died in the last 5 years. 3/
Historian Peter Hayes’ 2003 paper “Auschwitz: Capital of the Holocaust” is a good source here. 9/
“The killings were an open secret within Farben, and people worked at not reflecting upon what they knew."
I am thinking about that quote a lot.
Choosing to hear and see no evil is not passivity. It’s fucking WORK. 10/
His name was Witold Pilecki.
I’m thinking about how this evidence and the intel collected by Witold Pilecki—obtained via acts of pure courage—were then largely ignored by the media and the Allied forces. 16/
My wish for Holocaust Remembrance Day is that my life be worthy of the prisoners who set their crematoria aflame. FIN