Senators Alexander and Rubio, and Trump-ericans,
telling me his cruelty, pettiness, vulgarity, self-aggrandizing, lies, crimes or corruption are offensive to you, BUT..
Anything before the word but doesn’t matter. I mean nothing, stop.
We’re sick of it.
You have to pick.
And the time to choose isn’t now. You made your choice in November 2016, and all he’s ever done and ever will do, you are fine with, so please stop boring us with the split screen morality.
•You are fine with foreign powers subverting the elections of western democracies.
•You welcome corruption and lies as long as it’s a means to an end.
•You are the men who marched through the streets of Charlottesville with tiki torches.
•You’re OK w/children being ripped from their mothers’ arms and locked up in cages.
•You’re fine w/mass incarceration, humans being products fed into for-profit prisons
•You are fine w/the deaths that will be caused by historic Medicaid cuts.
•You laughed hysterically on the bus when trump said he grabs women by the pussy
• Truth doesn’t matter to you.
• The rule of law means nothing to you.
•Justice and fairness don’t mean a thing to you.
• You value the Constitution as much as I value the steaming contents of my dog’s poopy bags.
So, do us all a favor. Stop telling us I’m offended when trump does X, but...X.
No more feigning decency.
You’ve sold your soul.
Your metamorphosis from human being to a fly is complete.
There’s no longer a Republican Party or even a “trumpublican party.” Reagan and Lincoln are long dead. You are the party of trump alone now, nobody else. You ARE trump, all@of you, all he is. Anyone who dares to have a differing opinion is scorched, discarded.
History will not be kind.
Future generations will wonder how
Trump-ericans lost your way, your sense of right or wrong.
You are a Trump-erican.
He is you and you have become him.
Own it.
I don’t know you.
I’ve come to realize I’ve never known you.
I have to tolerate you and live among people like you. But I know who and what you are, so let’s stop pretending.