People look at the low lethality of Coronavirus (comparable to common flu) and say "But it MUST be bad, otherwise China wouldn't be reacting this way"
I think this misses a crucial point:
"We will run everything in your life. In exchange, nothing will ever go wrong."
Because if anything goes wrong, it can only be the fault of the state
With nobody to blame but themselves, the USSR had to cover it up
The CCP can't cover up Coronavirus, so they must instead project strength and decisiveness
Same CCP that has 1M Muslims in concentration camps
Same CCP that's embarrassed by its tardy SARS response
"Proportionality" is not part of the playbook
But let's not make the mistake of assuming the CCP is acting in proportion to the risks
Totalitarianism is a public relations game, and the CCP will make economic sacrifices to look in control