7. Underlying disorder was more common in severe cases as compared to non-severe cases.
9. During hospital admission, the most common complication was pneumonia (79.1%), then is ARDS (3.37%) and shock (1%).
11. The study concluded that there are more evidence about human-to-human transmission. More than 3 quarters of the patients are from ...
15. In a case of severe peptic ulcer, the virus was directly detected in esophageal erosion and bleeding site.
18. Fever occurred in 43.8% of the patients on initial presentation and developed in 87.9% following hospitalization.
20. The study's mortality rate is around 2.01%, and the author claim is similar to national average.
22. The study admitted that some cases had incomplete documentation of exposure history, symptoms and ...
23. The study concluded that #coronavirus elicits a rapid spread of outbreak with...
24. Absence of fever and radiologic abnormality occurs in a substantial proportion of patients on initial presentation.