*Caveat: This is a simplistic overview (not authoritative) designed only to inform & to highlight the exploitative political system that allows abstraction of Welsh water, our national resource, to be siphoned & utilised 1/12
Thread begins below
18.25 Billion litres are abstracted from river Dee in Wales per year
91.98 Billion litres are abstracted per year from lake Vyrnwy
133 Billion litres per year are abstracted from Elan Valley reservoirs.
In total 243.23 Billion litres
That is £684.8m (as shown below)
With share capital of c681m that works out at a total dividend to shareholders in excess of £281.1 million.
Source: unitedutilities.annualreport2019.com

£524.33 Million
The GDP created by Welsh water is not added to Welsh GDP it is added to English GDP. Which in turn directly ties into the ‘Welsh deficit’ argument. It removes GDP from Wales as well as a source of funding.
We could, of course increase prices to create better revenues but it is important to note that 10/12
Ergo any price hike would require England to subsidise their water supply to their population. Which in itself is unlikely.
However to put these revenues in perspective, Welsh 11/12
These revenues could however cover the cost of water for all Welsh households & create a national economic fund.
The End << 12/12