1. Hottest regions uninhabitable
2. Ultra-destructive weather chaos
3. Fresh drinking water scarcity
4. Soil/climate often unfit for crops
5. Cascading ecosystem collapse
6. Irreversible extinction feedbacks
This couldn't be true.
Could it?
We're heading for 1.5C by 2023-2027.
See this thread based on a range of recent scientific reports:
But this is nothing compared to highly dangerous 1.5C- 2C which we'll face from 2023-2026 onwards.vice.com/en_asia/articl…
4 billion people already suffer water scarcity 1 month of the year
'climate change will exacerbate water scarcity even further' in most regions

This is from 1999. Global warming is proceeding far more rapidly than expected 20 years ago. ⚠️sciencedirect.com/science/articl…