Witness: Yes. This practice of going in if your rights had been changed, it's a violation of trust.
Schulte's lawyer Shroff is back on cross-examination:
Shroff: So your testimony is you had no access to info about where an employee was?
Witness: Only security had that info
Witness: He developed software to allow us to get clandestine access into others' systems
Shroff: Like, secret?
Witness: Hidden.
Shroff: Covert?
Witness: That has a different meaning.
AUSA: Objection.
Shroff: So what is clandestine?
Witness: It does not reveal that the activity is happening.
Shroff: And not to reveal who's doing the activity, right?
Witness: That's the goal.
CIA Witness: Yes.
Shroff: And the CIA didn't want that to happened to them, right?
Witness: Uh, yes.
Shroff: So activity on DEVLAN was being monitored, right?
Witness: It was.
Witness: I do.
Shroff: How many people died as a result of #Vault7?
Witness: I don't know.
Shroff: But you said the leak was like Pearl Harbor.
Witness: That work was done.
Shroff: Was a report written?
Witness: I don't know.
Witness: I received briefings.
Judge Crotty: Did you get a report called Wikileaks Damage Task Force Report?
Witness: No.
Shroff: Nothing further.