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1/13 As threats of a serious pandemic loom, it becomes more and more obvious that Trump has sabotaged America’s coronavirus response

As it improvises its way through a public health crisis, the United States has never been less prepared for a pandemic.…
2/13 Early on, Trump's Commerce Sec. Wilbur Ross suggested the coronavirus outbreak in China would boost the U.S. economy and help bring jobs back to America, a callous statement by any measure.… via @thedailybeast
3/13 Disinformation spread through the conspiracy wing of Trump's followers, the #QAnonsense movement, is pushing people to buy and drink BLEACH, marketed as “Miracle Mineral Solution” or “MMS”.… via @thedailybeast
4/13 Trump meanwhile is trying to slash the budget at the CDC by as much as 16% even as the global number Of coronavirus infections and deaths rise. via @Forbes…
5/13 Despite this, the CDC is preparing for the 'likely' spread of coronavirus in the US, still hoping to contain it.… via @USATODAY
6/13 This is made far less likely with antics like this, where 14 Coronavirus-infected Americans were flown home ON A PLANE FULL OF HEALTHY PEOPLE against the CDC’s advice to keep them in Japan instead to minimize risk of the virus' spread!…
7/13 Another danger is the infected not reporting it.

A Miami man who flew to China worried he might have coronavirus and got tested when he returned.

It was the flu, but he now owes thousands thanks to having a Trump-approved junk insurance policy.…
8/13 And then we have active #disinformation and conspiracies being spread by Republicans and their propaganda machine.

Rep. Tom Cotton Takes Conspiracy Theory That Coronavirus Is Chinese Biological Warfare To Fox News | @crooksandliars…
9/13 This idea that the coronavirus was weaponized by the Chinese to take down Trump is nuts... so of course it originates from Rush Limbaugh:

10/13 The FBI response?

Order $40,000 in hand sanitizer and face masks 'in case the coronavirus becomes a pandemic in the United States'
11/13 You might wonder why this haphazard, scattershot, and even coverup-like response. Well, the answer is in the market drop we saw Monday.

U.S. & global markets plunge as coronavirus cases spike outside China…
12/13 Trump has told advisers that he does not want the administration to do or say anything regarding the Coronavirus outbreak that would further spook the MARKETS.

He remains worried that any large-scale outbreak could hurt his REELECTION BID.…
13/13 With a potential global pandemic bearing down on us, Donald Trump is once again worried about only one thing:


Like in Ukraine.

Like with #RussianInterference.

Like with everything he does.


And so #ETTD might become literal.

And this:

In 2018, the Trump admin fired the government's entire pandemic response chain of command, including the WH management infrastructure.

"If the U.S. still has a clear chain of command for pandemic response, the WH urgently needs to clarify."
Beware the number one source of #disinformation in a crisis: Donald Trump.

Hours after Trump claims coronavirus vaccine ‘very close’ US officials say it’s at least a year away -…
Nearly 700 vacancies at CDC because of Trump administration’s hiring freeze…
With the possible #CoronavirusOutbreak pandemic looming. ICE has removed even the most basic, minimal safeguards necessary for adequate medical care.

Camps like this are notorious breeding grounds for sickness. This will NOT end well.…
What worries Trump most about the #CoronavirusOutbreak?

Why, how it's being covered, of course.

It's always about him, every time.…
There's never enough money it seems, unless it's for weapons, the rich, or that damn wall.

Trump administration to cut funds from health programs to pay for coronavirus response…
This is not how a business is run.

These people were not extraneous.

They are not "easy to get back."

Trump is not a businessman.

This is a disaster.

Watch the video linked from the post. this one re-tweets.

1/2 This inspires neither confidence...

SOS. Help. This is the man who botched what experts said was a totally preventable HIV outbreak while governor of Indiana.

Trump puts Pence in charge of coronavirus response via @politico
Trump's war on truth takes a dangerous turn as he attacks the media's coronavirus coverage…
Tucker Carlson Blames ‘Diversity’ And ‘Wokeness’ For Coronavirus

The Fox News host turned to racism as the outbreak continued to spread.… via @HuffPostEnt
The Trump cult is convinced the #coronavirus scare is an effort to bring down Trump.

Trump backers see a coronavirus conspiracy - The CDC official who raised fears turns out to be Rod Rosenstein’s sister, setting off MAGA-world alarms. via @politico
Okay, first, there IS no vaccine any time in the near future.


The Trump administration says the coronavirus vaccine might not be affordable for all Americans…
Coronavirus lays bare all the pathologies of the Trump administration…
Acting deputy secretary of DHS, arch-nativist Ken Cuccinell, a top member of Trump's coronavirus task force, asked Twitter for help accessing map of the virus… via @TheWeek
Trump’s DHS head Chad Wolf, another "acting", had a brutal exchange on coronavirus — courtesy of a GOP senator

Wolf either didn't know, was wrong, or lied about virtually everything.

The coronavirus ITSELF could have given a more accurate briefing.…
1/2 The right hand doesn’t know who the left hand is shooting.

This does not make me feel more secure...

2/2 Live updates: Fears grow of a coronavirus pandemic as markets stumble again; Japan shuts schools…
We knew sooner or later Donnie would blame the sinking markets on the Democrats.

Just ONE tiny problem...

Northern California coronavirus patient wasn’t tested for days and has no connections with travel, meaning it was likely spread to them by somebody else.…
1/3 The conoravirus' 14 day incubation period is NOT combining well with federal testing standards. At the current rate, we will not be able to contain this.

2/3 Coronavirus Patient in California Was Not Tested for Days
3/3 And it gets worse:

2 studies of coronavirus patients suggest the disease's incubation period could be longer than the standard quarantine period of 14 days… via @businessinsider
Public health experts warn Trump's history of lying about crises is a 'real problem' as he downplays coronavirus and contradicts the CDC… via @businessinsider
1/2 Even when dealing with a global pandemic, do not forget: the cruelty is the point.

2/2 Trump Insists on Paying for Coronavirus Prep by Cutting Heating Aid for the Poor…
Vice President Mike Pence has been tapped to lead efforts on controlling the spread of the coronavirus in the U.S., causing concern given his track record on public health.… via @HuffPostLife
Michael McAuliff takes a look at Alex Azar, pharmaceutical lobbyist, former drug company executive, Secretary of Health and Human Services, and opponent of the ACA, the man who wants to charge for a #coronavirus vaccine we don't even have yet.
Michael McAuliff takes a look at Alex Azar, pharmaceutical lobbyist, former drug company executive, Secretary of Health and Human Services, and opponent of the ACA, the man who wants to charge for a #coronavirus vaccine we don't even have yet.
This video of Alex Azar, pharmaceutical lobbyist, ex-drug company executive, Secretary of Health & Human Services, & opponent of the ACA, stating that a #coronavirusvaccine under the Trump regime may NOT be affordable for all needs to go more viral than the #coronavirus itself!
This video of Sec. of Health & Human Resources Alex Azar, pharmaceutical lobbyist, ex-drug company executive, & opponent of the ACA, stating that a #coronavirusvaccine under the Trump regime may NOT be affordable for all needs to go more viral than the #coronavirus itself!
Doggone it Goldman Sachs, don't broadcast this!

Trump will start denying the #coronavirus even exists!

A market meltdown. Surging recession fears. And a sudden spotlight on America's health care system.…
#Misinformation Alert: Biotech company Moderna says its coronavirus vaccine is ready for 1st tests.

BUT, "even..." "at an 'emergency speed,' a vaccine would not be available for use for at least a year or 18 months."

Be prepared for misinformed posts.…
"That's not true."

CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta fact-checks his exchange with President Donald Trump during a coronavirus press conference when Trump claimed the flu had higher death rates than the coronavirus.…

Pence Will Control All Coronavirus Messaging From Health Officials

Government health officials and scientists will have to coordinate statements with the VP’s office, 1 of 3 people designated as the administration’s primary coronavirus official.
Official CDC info on the Coronavirus:…
1/2 Coronavirus live updates: California monitoring 8,400 people, stocks continue free fall…
2/2 Major indexes slid into a correction as investors braced for a virus-driven drop in business activity… via @WSJ
I want to scream.

US Health Workers Responding to Coronavirus Lacked Training & Protective Gear, Whistle-Blower Says

Team members were improperly trained, lacked necessary gear & moved freely around & off MILITARY BASES where Americans were quarantined.
Dow falls 1,191 points -- the most in history…
Just going to make a sideways post to my Business thread, where I just posted, thanks to .@DolphinDemVoter, that the ten-year treasury bond has fallen to levels least seen in 1945.

That's.... bad.

After fumbled messaging, Trump gets a coronavirus czar by another name

Pence will have under him another expert Ambassador Debbie Birx, who handled the global HIV crisis, as “White House coronavirus response coordinator”.

Also Alex Azar. via @politico
Coronavirus pushes Trump to rely on experts he has long maligned…
1/2 Steven Mnuchin and Larry Kudlow are not appropriate for a medical response task force.

They are if you want to spin things and try to save a plummeting economy and your own hide.

Mnuchin and Kudlow join coronavirus task force, Pence announces…
2/2 I originally made this mocking Larry Kudlow as a joke.

Now it's not a joke. But this task force is.

And not the good kind.

Mnuchin and Kudlow are Trump cronies there to try to save his re-election bid. Image
Oh, and remember, Alex Azar is there to make it all extra profitable. Image
1/3 Welcome to the #gaslight express.

We have misspelled lies that claim Trump's racist border closings and flight bans are helping (they're not). Image
2/3 We have blaming the media for the panic and lack of leadership he is causing, not to mention the laughable claim that CNN is "far left." Image
3/3 And we have totally false claims that Pence and his cadre of Trump cronies have everything under control and numbers are going down when the exact opposite is clearly happening. Image
What’s on Mike Pence’s schedule as coronavirus point man? A fundraiser in Florida.

The $25,000-per-plate GOP event featuring the vice president is in Longboat Key.…
That sound you hear is my screaming at the stupidity.

38% of Americans are avoiding Corona beer amid coronavirus outbreak, survey finds…
Yup, okay, yeah, this makes sense. Sad, stupid sense.

When a Pandemic Meets a Personality Cult

The Trump team confirms our worst fears: Image
Mick Mulvaney says the coronavirus will probably make some schools close. But don't worry. Also, blame the media. And the Democrats.

Coronavirus updates live: Countries prepare as outbreak spreads…
It’s the incompetence that may bring Trump down

For a president obsessed with winning and outshining his predecessor, the stock market is a handy scoreboard.

Until it isn’t.…
This should not be happening. This person's results were delayed for days because a "request for testing wasn't initially granted."

Diagnosis Of Coronavirus Patient In California Was Delayed For Days

Mick Mulvaney's solution to the coronavirus panic?

Call it "an attempt to bring down the president", blame the media for the stock market stump, and suggest turning off the TV and ignoring it to fix everything.
Preparing for Coronavirus to Strike the U.S.… via @sciam
Trump has gone full Trump on us, openly embracing Rush Limbaugh's vile conspiracy theory that China, the Democrats, and others are weaponizing the #CoronavirusOutbreak against him.

The mark of a dictator: it's all about him.…
1/2 Global stocks fell again as fears about the impact of the coronavirus continue to spread. Germany’s DAX fell by 5% before leveling out again, while Tokyo & Shanghai closed at a 3.7% loss. The S&P 500 is on track for the market’s worst week since 2008.…
2/2 The 10-year Treasury yield collapses to another record low of 1.15%, even as 2-year rate tumbles below 1%…
Trump Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney suggests people ignore coronavirus news to calm markets.…
Mick Mulvaney assures us all everything is fine if we just close our eyes and wish very, very hard. He learned this technique from Mike Pence!

#PencePandemic #Pencedemic #Trumpvirus #Coronavirus #TrumpLiesAboutCoronavirus
1/2 We are now doing the same thing China did in denying the danger of the #coronavirus.

I somehow doubt Trump's response will fair better than theirs did:
In Depth: How Early Signs of a SARS-Like Virus Were Spotted, Spread, and Throttled…
Coronavirus unlikely to vanish next year-NIH's Fauci according to source.…
1/2 We are living in the dumbest possible timeline.

Trump officials discuss tax cuts, other emergency measures in hopes of tackling coronavirus fallout

The proposals would do little to stop the virus’s spread, but would aim to arrest economic fears…
2/2 Apparently the Trump priority is to save the precious stock market and let the citizenry suffer.

Trump says he hopes the Fed gets involved ‘soon’ to combat market sell-off from coronavirus…
1/2 This almost feels responsible. Too bad it's just talk right now.

The Trump regime is eyeing use of special powers from the Korean War-era Defense Production Act to produce more coronavirus protective gear such as masks.… via @NBCNews
2/2 Alex M. Azar II, the health secretary, raised the prospect of invoking a Korean War-era law to expand production of materials for national security purposes in a potential coronavirus outbreak.
1/3 Trump has officially labeled the pandemic the "coronavirus hoax". As his toadies fall in line to alter reality to fit his view, this will mark the beginning of disaster.

3/3 "You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common: they don't alter their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit their views, which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering." - Tom Baker, the 4th Doctor Image
Trump blamed 2020 Democrats for the ongoing stock-market plunge - but the nosedive was already underway due to coronavirus…
Two new cases of coronavirus found in Washington state…
Oregon coronavirus infection becomes third case of unknown origin in U.S.…
1/3 Not only are Trump and his toadies urging his base to consider the #coronavirusoutbreak a hoax... via @politico
2/3 ...but some of his twitter troll MAGAs have taken to #gaslighting us on even THAT despite public comments by Trump, Mulvaney, and others. Image
3/3 Among them? Mike Pompeo, who arrogantly refused to answer when directly asked if he thought it was a hoax during a congressional oversight session:

Democrat gets in heated exchange with Pompeo at hearing: 'Do you believe coronavirus is a hoax?…
1/2 Thank you to .@BarbaraMain07 for posting this very useful site, which shows the total number of known Coronavirus cases, including those active, recovered, and deceased, and can be further divided by nation or traced to the Diamond Princess.…
2/2 This feed is also keeping track with handy posts turning info from the WHO (World Health Organization) into an easy-to-digest tweet-image. Thjey seem to be posting one of these every day as they get updates:

Despite Trump regime assurances this is all a hoax, travel advisories for Iran and Italy have gone out, even as Australia institutes its own travel precautions against Iran on same level as China:…
Strange behavior for a "hoax"...

U.S. postpones Asian summit in Las Vegas amid coronavirus fears… via @NBCNews
The Coronavirus Is Trump’s Worst Nightmare…
Mike Pence doesn't believe in science. He does believe in silencing the truth.

Rep. Garamendi: NIH official canceled on five Sunday talk shows after Pence's office 'took over…
1/2 Washington state announces first U.S. coronavirus death…
1/2 The Trump regime is talking about shutting down the border with Mexico to stop the #coronavirus, even though no cases have come across the border and the first death was in Washington state.
2/2 We're not actually certain any longer who the first death. Gov. Inslee said "he" in offering condolences, Trump's presser started out referring to the patient as "she" but has suddenly moved to gender neutral terms. There seems to be some confusion.…
There is already an effective test for the #coronavirus.

So why aren't we using it? Who is profiting from that decision?

The United States badly bungled coronavirus testing—but things may soon improve…
During Trump's presser today his regime insisted that the risk to the average American is very low, even though the World Health Organization (WHO) upgraded the risk of spread to its highest level.…
Turns out that the man who died was NEITHER of the infected people we knew about. He was in his 50s and had other respiratory issues, though, which contributed to his death.

Oh, and Trump tried to gaslight us about his calling this all a hoax.…
Turns out it was Pence who wanted all communication coming out of his mouth…

Inside Trump’s frantic attempts to minimize the coronavirus crisis…
Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE:…
1/2 Wash. state sees 1st virus death in US, declares emergency…
2/2 Given the threat the coronavirus presents to the elderly, this is NOT good:

Officials announce possible coronavirus outbreak in Washington nursing facility…
Chinese researchers confirmed that patients can transmit the coronavirus without showing symptoms. A woman passed it to 5 relatives.… via @businessinsider
In a kind of tangential bit of news, NASA satellite images are showing that pollution over China has cleared dramatically due to the economic slowdown…
Prayer is supposed to offer one comfort.

I do not feel comforted.

A small 5-post thread looking at the dangers of propaganda in an epidemic, and how it made the 1918 Influenza Epidemic SO much more dangerous. Includes links to three related articles:
1/2 As we are treated to a blizzard of disinformation and false assurances everything is fine, the #coronavirus shows it doesn't care, and continues to spread among our communities.

You can't gaslight a virus.

2/2 Rhode Island confirms its first presumptive coronavirus case…
I should add a note that signs are showing now that the #coronavirus' incubation period could be as long as twice this, and that carriers can pass it on without showing symptoms themselves. Please be wary and aware:… via @businessinsider
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