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1/8 Donald Trump has just unilaterally committed an act of war without the approval of Congress. Not even the Gang of 8 was informed.

#GeeksResist #OneVoice1 #DemCast

#NoWarInIran #Soleimani #WagTheDog2020 #TrumpsWar #WarWithIran… via @HuffPostPol
2/8 Make no mistake. General Qassem Soleimani was an evil man responsible for the death of thousands, from employing sophisticated IEDs used against American troops to recent murdering of Iraqi protesters.

The Shadow Commander:…
3/8 None-the-less, this is an act of war, the assassination of a powerful foreign leader, the second most powerful man in Iran, at a time when Trump has just been impeached and is facing trial while ALSO up for re-election.

4/8 Iran called it an act of 'international terrorism' and the country's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei vowed 'harsh revenge harsh revenge is waiting for criminals' who killed #Soleimani.

US kills Iran's most powerful general in Baghdad airstrike…
4/8 This is the polar opposite of "getting us out of endless wars." It is 100% guaranteed to draw a response from Iran that endangers our troops.

5/8 Moreover, from a deleted tweet, apparently Eric Trump, Donnie's other son, knew more about this happening than Congress did.

That is both illegal and a blatant misuse of power.
6/8 China and Russia are both major allies of Iran, so starting a war with them is a bad, bad place to go, and yet that may be exactly where we are headed.…
7/8 And both China and Russia are urging restraint right now.

That's normally our job.

We're the rogue nation here.

World on brink of war? China and Russia urge 'restraint' after strike via @MailOnline
8/8 This is the moment many of us have feared since Donald Trump got in, that he would start a war just to cover something up or distract from another of his crimes.

And, as always, there's a Trump tweet for everything:

#WagTheDog #WagTheDog2020 #WarWithIran #NoWarWithIran
And here is Dinesh D'Souza stating the Democrats are equivalent to the government of an enemy state... and Trump re-tweeting it.
Of course Trump told Lindsey Graham.

During a damn game of golf.

Incredible.… via @thedailybeast
Trump is on a twitter rant defending having Iranian General Qassem Soleimani killed.

The argument: "he was a bad man so we're not sorry he's gone."

This entirely ignores that the method was illegal, a violation of federal AND international law.

Two wrongs do not make a right.
Trump's base will eat up the fact that he violated the law to do this, because like him they don't believe in rules.

Trump's pardoning of war criminals was the predecessor to his assassination of Qassem Soleimani…
The article above is about how Trump loves "total war", "savage war". "The ends justify the means."

That should scare you.

While there are some bad actors, if we show we will ignore international accords on the conduct of war (& our own laws), things will get FAR worse swiftly.
That moment where Putin is making excuses for Trump by claiming he was set up by our intelligence community in the murder of Soleimani, just in case the "he was a bad guy, I was totally justified" argument fails.

2/2 Donald Trump’s Worst Deal

The President helped build a hotel in Azerbaijan that appears to be a corrupt operation engineered by oligarchs tied to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard.…
1/2 This is very literally the opposite of an end to "endless wars."


Trump deploys thousands more troops to Middle East after Soleimani killing…
2/2 US to deploy 3,500 additional troops to the Middle East after Iranian general killed
1/2 Apparently foreign dictators get to know about Trump's decision to assassinate somebody but not Congress.

This is an illegal act of war.

And he had enough time for Eric Trump to post about it on the 31st & for Trump to gab about it over golf.

2/2 Trump is calling our allies AFTER the fact to explain why he felt the urgent need to assassinate another foreign leader.

Pelosi demands briefing on US-Iran strike, Graham says he was informed beforehand - ABC News - via @ABC
1/4 Mike Pompeo talked this over with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov but not Congess.
2/4 Pompeo claims he "emphasized that de-escalation is the United States’ principal goal."
3/4 Russia, however, has released the contents of that call.

Let this sink in: here is RUSSIA warning the U.S. that we are violating international law by assassinating an official of a UN member nation while they are visiting a third nation.
4/4 Here is Olga Lautman's full thread on that call:
Sen. Tim Kaine Files War Powers Resolution to Prevent War with Iran… via @bluevirginia
The United States' main allies are abandoning Trump over his 'dangerous escalation' with Iran… via @businessinsider
The Trump regime claims that planned attacks on U.S. targets spurred the Soleimani strike.

I suspect we'll find the plans for these when we find the Iraqi WMDs.

In the meantime, their existence still would NOT make this assassination legal.… via @nbcnews
Oh look...

Defense Stocks Lockheed Martin, Northrop, Raytheon Rally After U.S. Kills Top Iranian Commander… via @IBDinvestors
A frightening look at just why Trump would gladly risk a war right now:

Trump’s Faithful Will Follow Him to War… via @gqmagazine
1/3 Rep. Eric Swalwell lays it all out there with his usual precision and candor:

Apparently there are further drone strikes being carried out in Iraq at this very moment.

Airstrikes targeting Iraqi militia reported north of Baghdad, killing five yet-to-be-identified members of an Iran-backed militia.…
The chances of this situation de-escalating just suffered a major blow in light of the fact that Trump is not only taunting Iran and boasting of his deeds but carrying out MORE strikes this very moment.
Did the President Have the Domestic Legal Authority to Kill Qassem Soleimani?…
Lawfare Podcast Special Edition: The Soleimani Strike and Its Fallout…
More on the latest airstrike:

An airstrike in Iraq hit a convoy of Iranian-backed paramilitary forces, PMF says…
We're now at war with Iran. That's even scarier than it seems.

All the regular risks of undertaking war are exponentially more dangerous here because of the impulsive approach Trump has taken.… via @NBCNewsTHINK
What strange timing.

Richard Goldberg, the U.S. National Security Council official who clashed with other members of the administration over his push for a more hawkish stance toward Iran, is leaving the job after one year.… via @bpolitics
Curious side note in all of this: Eric Trump's tweet SEEMS to be unrelated to the assassination of Soleimani, and instead about marines arriving in Baghdad. His deletion of it is pretty sketchy, when leaving it up would have been far easier to explain:
Mike Pompeo is having a sad because he thinks the European response to the Suleimani assassination is 'not helpful enough'

US secretary of state unfavourably compares European reaction with ‘partners in the region’…
1/9 While senior officials argue the drone strike was warranted to prevent future attacks, some in the administration remain skeptical about the rationale for the attack.

As Tensions With Iran Escalated, Trump Opted for Most Extreme Measure
2/9 In truth, as many are noting, there seems to be little evidence that attacks were coming, and that this was anything beyond business as usual for Soleimani.

3/9 This thread lays out a lot of what is happening right now. Here are some excerpts; I suggest reading it all.

7/9 A big takeaway here is that tension with Iran has already degraded our ability to combat ISIS as Iraq has grown more standoffish, and this will only worsen matters a thousand fold:
9/9 This conclusion is one I am seeing many bring up; that this is all a #WagTheDog distraction timed to drown out impeachment.

No matter how Trump spins this, it violates the 1973 War Powers Resolution by entirely bypassing congress.

That is, yet again, an impeachable offense.

There is no crime Trump can commit that the GOP will find too far.


1/3 This is beyond idiotic. Mike Pence has accused Iran of being tied to 9/11 as justification for this assassination.

This is, of course, a blatant lie, as al-Qaeda was Saudi-backed.…
2/3 Mike Pence shares 9/11 conspiracy theory about Qassem Soleimani in attempt to justify killing

Official 9/11 report undermines vice president's criticism of killed Iranian general…
3/3 Pence falsely links Iranian general to 9/11 attacks…
“Iranian Hackers” Deface US Gov Website With Bloody Trump Photo -…
Assassinations of this sort have been illegal since the 70s. The last time we did anything like this? The 1953 Iranian coup d’état known as “Operation Ajax", kept secret for years.

Why Soleimani’s killing is different from other targeted attacks by U.S.…
The White House has formally notified Congress of the Soleimani Strike Under War Powers Act

The notification, required within 48 hours of introducing U.S. armed forces into hostilities, contained only classified information.…
1/3 I go to sleep, I wake up to find that Trump threatened #WarCrimes.

Trump said 'Iranian culture' sites could become military targets, but that could constitute a war crime

#GeeksResist #DemCast #OneVoice1… via @businessinsider
2/3 UN resolution 2347 condemns "the unlawful destruction of cultural heritage incl the destruction of religious sites.'

Protocol I of Geneva Conventions prohibits to "any acts of hostility directed against the historic monuments, places of worship”.

#WarCrimes #GeeksResist
3/3 In response, Senator Kamala Harris personally wrote Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, urging him to suspend Pres. Trump’s account for a series of tweets she says violate the website’s terms of the user agreement.
1/3 In response, Iran has announced it is pulling out of the nuclear deal that thus far it and Europe had held to despite Trump scuttling it.

#WarCrimes #NuclearDeal #IranAttack #OneVoice1 #DemCast #GeeksResist
2/3 Iran Ends Commitment to Landmark Nuclear Deal: Live Updates

The announcement followed a vote in Iraq’s Parliament to expel American troops, in response to the killing of Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani, a top Iranian commander, in Baghdad.
3/3 The Latest: Iran will no longer abide by nuclear deal limits…
1/3 Our tensions with Iran has been hampering our ability to fight ISIS in Iraq.

Getting kicked out entirely is probably a severe downgrade to that situation.

And because of this, Iraq’s parliament has voted to expel the U.S. military from the country.…
2/3 Iraqi Parliament Votes To Expel U.S. Troops From Country In Wake Of Soleimani Strike…
3/3 Iraqi Parliament votes for government to work on plan to end US troop presence in Iraq after Soleimani killing

"What happened was a political assassination. Iraq cannot accept this."…
An excellent argument against the "you're defending a terrorist" response Trump supporters are pushing:
Some sites are reporting that Iran has placed an $80M bounty on Trump's head, based on its population.

Mainstream sites are not reporting this, only more tabloid-like sites, and Snopes is giving it an iffy, unproven rating.

Walk softly with this story:…
1/3 Breaking news shows that DHS has the Customs and Border Patrol detaining Iranians, including U.S.-born citizens of Iranian descent, for upwards of 11 hours.

2/3 CAIR-WA Assisting Iranian-Americans Detained at U.S. Border

"Deeply disturbed by reports that Iranian-Americans, including U.S. citizens, are being detained at the Canadian border with WA State," said Rep. Pramila Jayapal.
3/3 'This Is Alarming': Iranian-Americans Reportedly Detained, Asked About Political Views at US Border via @commondreams
This gives new meaning to the words "twitter war."

That is not a good thing.
1/5 I heard rumors of this but didn't want to post until it was confirmed.

Apparently Soleimani was in Iraq because there was an effort being made to negotiate a de-escalation between Iran and Saudi Arabia, the two big warring powers in the region.
2/5 So many conflicts, such as ones in Yemen and Syria, trace back to proxy battles between groups backed by Iran and Saudi Arabia.

This move by Trump could have entirely destroyed that possible peace.

3/5 It is generally accepted that to many it looks like the Saudis lured Soleimani into a trap.

Also, Iraq hasn't actually fully voted to kick us out; this is more of a censure move passing the buck to Iraq's executive branch:
4/5 Iraq is, though, stating they want to pull out of any alliances they currently have with us as a result of this.

5/5 Similarly, Iran is not pulling out of the nuclear deal entirely, only portions of it.

In short, Trump's actions shattered the possibility of peace in the Middle East AND gave ISIS a boatload of breathing room.
Iraq is furious at us for all of mess we've stirred up in their sovereign territory.

So of course Trump just doubled down and warned he may hit Iraq with "sanctions like they’ve never seen before ever. It’ll make Iranian sanctions look somewhat tame."…
Pelosi announces war powers vote in attempt to limit Trump on Iran…
A caveat: just because it LOOKS like the Saudis lured Soleimani doesn't mean they did.

It doesn't mean they didn't, either. The problem is not knowing, especially after their murder of Jamal Khashoggi showed they're quite willing to do that.
Saudi Arabia says it was not consulted on Soleimani strike, urges calm

Kingdom, vulnerable to possible reprisal attacks after u.S. drone strike targeting top Iranian general, reportedly sending prince to US, UK to plead for restraint… via @timesofisrael
Iraqi prime minister says Qassem Soleimani was in Iraq to 'discuss de-escalating tensions between Iran and Saudis' when he was killed - and claims Trump had asked for help mediating talks after embassy attack via @MailOnline
Trump was bragging about his planned assassination 5 days before it happened.

Attendees of a closed-door Senate briefing didn’t get much more clarity than the club guests did. Instead, officials spun Soleimani’s slaying as a way to “de-escalate” tensions.…
The Dangers Posed by the Killing of Qassem Suleimani…
“The Administration’s Track Record Doesn’t Inspire Confidence”: After Killing Soleimani, Trump Confronts a Credibility Gap… via @VanityFair
"We don’t know how to think about a war with Iran, let alone win one, and it’s not at all clear why we should try. For this reason, killing [Qassem] Soleimani was a blunder—briefly satisfying, possibly catastrophic," writes George Packer.…
1/2 A pair of earlier stories about the buildup to Soleimani's assassination.

How Trump decided to kill Iran’s Soleimani via @politico
2/2 The president’s plan to target Qassem Soleimani came together swiftly, and was orchestrated by a small group of his most senior aides… via @bpolitics
Was this personal for Trump?

Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani wasn’t just an infamous terrorist organizer and one of the regime’s most powerful officials — he was also one of President Trump’s social media antagonists, posting memes antagonizing Trump…
The word is that, when plotting responses to escalating tensions with Iran, Trump's handlers gave him a "menu of options."

He naturally chose the worst possible one. He ALWAYS does that.

If "heart of a baby seal broiled in orphan tears" was on a menu, he'd order it.
This thread offers a window into the utter chaos Trump has unleashed through his incompetent, blundering, and illegal move in Iran.

It is very much worth reading:

#DemCast #GeeksResist #OneVoice1
1/2 Speaker Pelosi on the War Powers Act:

Dear Colleague on Introduction of War Powers Resolution
2/2 Pelosi announces war powers resolution as tensions with Iran escalate

Pelosi said "the Trump administration conducted a provocative and disproportionate military airstrike targeting high-level Iranian military officials."… via @nbcnews
Remember how they said killing Soleimani would put an end to everything?

Yeah, that was never true.

Iran’s general replacing Soleimani vows revenge for US killing…
After the departure of 5 Pentagon officials in a 7 day span ending about two weeks before the Soleimani Assassination, this news feels very related:

Defense secretary's chief of staff to step down
This is escalating in a very bad way.

Hassan Rouhani is the current president of Iran.

This post references #IranAir Flight 655: An A300 shot down by the US, in thePersianGulf, on July 3, 1988. All 290 people on board died.

Trump Administration Blocks Iran’s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif had sought to give a speech condemning the U.S. assassination of Qassem Suleimani.…
Defense Secretary Esper says U.S. has made no decision to leave Iraq, but the U.S. military will reposition troops within Iraq in preparation for a possible withdrawal.…
It's like the keystone cops are running things.

Top general says letter suggesting US would withdraw troops from Iraq was a 'mistake'…
Remember when Mexico paid us for the wall?

Here's take two:

Donald Trump threatens Iraq with sanctions, says US won't leave unless 'they pay us back' for air base… via @usatoday
Trump’s Iran mess is getting worse. Here’s Adam Schiff’s idea on what to do about it.…
Stampede at Suleimani’s Funeral in Iran Kills 56, Injures 213

The crush at a procession honoring the powerful commander in his hometown after his killing in a U.S. airstrike killed dozens and injured hundreds.
1/2 "Just following orders" is the perpetual response of the guilty.

2/2 Six people detail their ordeals at Canadian border as Rep. Pramila Jayapal demands answers over CBP harassment of Iranian-Americans… via @seattletimes
1/5 The worst part isn't that Iran retaliated. We knew they would.

The worst part is that Trump refuses to tell us if we have casualties. This leaves military families wondering if their loved ones are safe while Trump schemes.

#GeeksResist #DemCast…
2/5 Iran missile attack: Iran attacks two Iraqi bases housing US forces in 'revenge' for Soleimani's death - CNNPolitics…
3/5 Iran ‘Concludes’ Attacks, Foreign Minister Says: Live Updates
4/5 Live updates: Trump says he will make statement Wednesday in response to Iranian strike at two bases in Iraq…
5/5 Iran fires missiles at two bases housing U.S. forces in Iraq…
1/2 There is bound to be disinformation coming out, especially with the Trump regime clamping down on any real information. Be wary.

2/2 People Are Spreading False And Unverified Information About Iran's Missile Attack On US Bases In Iraq. Don't Be Fooled.… via @janelytv
All is NOT well.
All indications are that the Ukrainian airliner crash was caused by mechanical failure and is unrelated to the tensions between the U.S. and Iran right now.

Ukrainian airplane crashes near Iran's capital, killing 176…
Now why would Trump be meeting with the Saudi envoy on Tuesday?

WHCA: Trump's failure to disclose meeting with Saudi envoy is "disturbing"

Amanpour presses defense secretary: Are you ready to refuse Trump's order if he tells you to commit a war crime and attack Iranian cultural centers?

Esper says he would. I have my doubts with this regime.…
Trump started a war when Iran killed a contractor and has spent the weekend taunting them.

He has yet to mention United States Army Specialist Henry Mayfield Jr.

He was fighting terrorist forces in Africa. He was killed on Sunday.… via @wzzm13
There is a Trump tweet for everything.
Trump is on. He opened with Iran never having nukes and stated that no Americans were harmed and we should all be grateful.

All indications are that this was according to Iranian plan.
So far this is all propaganda from Trump rationalizing his assassination of Soleimani without any reference yet to the attacks last night.
Note that Trump in the middle of this propaganda just had to bring up Iran's "untapped potential", because it always comes down to money.
Trump states he is going to ask NATO to get more involved in peace in the Middle East, but then immediately goes on to brag about the economy, energy independence, our military, and our "big, powerful, and fast" missiles.
And now he is lying and claiming that we destroyed 100% of ISIS; ISIS was never fully defeated, and his actions in Syria have caused them to have a resurgence. He's gone on to brag about killing al-Baghdadi. He notes ISIS is an enemy of Iran, at least.
He said he wants peace... and now he's leaving without taking questions or actually outlining any sort of real plan besides "asking NATO to step in." And that's it.
I summary, this was all propaganda and threats, some legitimate, some lies. We waited all night for this. It's kind of underwhelming.
In second summary, this was not the result I expected, but its one I am relieved for. Trump backed down. He told some lies about Obama and NATO, made threats, and fled the room. This was an utter blunder, and now Iran's nuclear program is revving up as a result.
Yup. I spotted the irony in Trump invoking NATO as well.
The House Foreign Affairs Committee has called for Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to testify in a hearing on Iran next week.
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