Trump spread the lie that Obama was born in Africa. As of 2016, when the lie had been thoroughly debunked, polls showed that 72% of registered Republicans still doubted Obama’s citizenship.…

Trump isn’t going to stop now because he literally doesn’t know anything else to do.
(Operation Ukrainian Shakedown was a plot to give credence to the lie by making it appear to have originated with a foreign prosecutor.)
After all, "her emails" worked.
Nope, he’ll just tell them they have a disease brought across the border by illegal aliens, and they’ll [pretend to] believe it.
Spoiler: They know the lies destroy and they want to destroy.
#coronaflu doesn’t fall neatly under the Sadopopulism umbrella because the illness won’t stay contained to the poor . . .
Dealing with #coronaflu" is literally beyond the capability of a fascist leader, who can only deal with manufactured crises.
#coronaflu is real. So Trump is literally over his head.