#Covid_19 #COVID19 #COVID2019 #WuhanVirus #coronavirus
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I say problem, because it does not provide any way to profit off of it. Hence there's so little attention for the method.
Healthcare is aware of this method for over 60 years. But are either ignorant or their hands are tied, to spread this information.
He was also one of the founders of space complementary medicine.
At first it was developed for cosmonauts and the extreme conditions of their jobm but quickly proved effective for everyone.
Ivan Pavlovich had his own reccomendations but this method has been perfected by many over the course of the years and I'll give a rundown of it.
Hydrogen Peroxide can be fatal.
So follow the instructions strictly.
PS. I probably caught this corona shit & have a fever since yesterday accompanied by a cough.
I literally have skin in the game.
🔺 Start with ONE DROP of HP (use a pipette or something) per glass of water
🔺 Use warm water to mix the drop of HP (better absorption)
🔺 Drink the glass of water at least 30min. before eating
After you're convinced that nothing extraordinary has happened EXCEPT THAT YOU'RE FEELING BETTER
You continue this for 14 days by adding 1 drop every day up to a maximum of 1 drop per 10kg of body weight. (1 drop/22lb)
After 14 days you stop.
14 days is enough to guarantee you to get rid of the illness even if you started under critical circumstances.
After those 14 days you pause for at least 2-3 days.
The substance that Hydrogen Peroxide excretes in your body is already present in your body & is naturally produced.
But not in enough quantities due to different factors, like lack of O2, especially for people who live in big cities.
If you do not pause, the body will grow accustomed to it being supplied and you'll have to drink this oxyen cocktail for life.
They're not curing the #WuhanVirus , they're TRYING to cure its consequences.
This is why they tell you to "ride it out" with shitty chemicals aka medicine when your body is already under attack.
I'm sharing this, and I am literally doing it myself.
I cannot confirm I got corona but symptoms definitely overlapping too much to take any chances.
🔺3% concentration max
🔺1 drop for the first glass
This evens out to 0.15ml of HP for the first glass. Then you increase it daily by 1 drop to match your bodyweight (1drop/10kg/22lb)
Also extra oxygen has a positive impact on your immune system, the main weapon against infections.
This is widely researched, CBA to cite. Google is your friend.
This is a good standard procedure for everyone. It's better practical advice than showering daily or brushing your teeth daily, and it ain't just theory.
Scientifically it's simply called "oxygen therapy".
Cure corona/prevent it:
🔺 1 drop of 3% concentrated hydrogen peroxide per glass of warm water
🔺 consume on an empty stomach, min. 30m before eating
🔺 shit's been around since 1960s
I've got skin in the game.
@NdemicCreations send the check.