That debt binge was a major driver of our bogus economic recovery.
That's why I called it a "Bubblecovery"!
Now, it's all falling apart - very predictable
forbes.com/sites/jessecol… $LQD $HYG

I KNEW that we were heading for "The Big One" but nobody cared at that time aside from my eccentric, fringey readers!
People just didn't care...it was a giant bubble party.
Zero Hedge, Peter Schiff, David Rosenberg, Albert Edwards, myself (and others) were right for warning about these risks
The End.
Why? Because tremendous risk was building up at that time. This bubble didn't just form in the last year or two!
Read my explanation for more detail: zerohedge.com/news/2019-04-2…

I don't care...I don't care. Forget that blasted market.
All of those gains are going "poof!" in a matter of weeks and those bullish fools never even got a chance to sell! (and it's just getting started).