The #CoronavirusBill:
Empowers police, immigration officers & public health officials to demand documentation; detain & isolate members of the public potentially indefinitely, including children; & forcibly take biological samples for testing /1
It weakens safeguards on the exercise of mass surveillance powers, quadrupling time review limits for urgent warrants /2
Our country faces challenges best when we hold onto our values, not abandon them. /3
That could be any one of us. /4
These breath taking powers demand utmost caution, the closest scrutiny and the strictest time limitations. /5
The two-year duration of the Act has not been justified and is totally out of step with the existing legal standards for emergency regulations. /6
These extraordinary powers risk permanently rebalancing the relationship between citizens and the state. /7
These are the most draconian powers ever proposed in peace-time Britain and they require urgent review and reform. /8
#CoronavirusBill #CoronavirusBillUK…