Its been drilled into us the importance of #PPE & proper disinfecting to limit disease transmission. Off the job, its proper #HandHygiene, #SocialDistancing & self-monitoring of symptoms. #FlattenTheCurve or the hospitals will be overloaded.
Here is why #COVID19 worries me!
Named for the crown-like spikes on their surface. Coronaviruses are zoonotic, meaning they are transmitted between animals and people. Like MERS and SARS, #COVID19 is an infection of the respiratory system.

First identified in Wuhan, China in Dec 2019. #COVID19 has reached 169 countries, with ~235,000 cases and ~10,000 deaths. And it is spreading quickly. It took over 3 months to reach the first 100,000 cases, and only 12 days to reach the next 100,000.…

Not every patient has traditional symptoms (cough, fever, SOB).
Symptoms include:
Fever: 44-98%
Fatigue: 23-70%
Cough: 59-82%
SOB: 19-42%
Sputum: 19-34%
Muscle & joint pain: 11-35%
Headache: 8-14%
Sore throat: 5-14%
NVD: 1-20%

Fever is NOT required to diagnose #COVID19. Only 44% of patient had fever upon presentation. This increases to 89% upon admission.
Take precautions when performing aerosol generating procedures such as:
BVM ventilations
Nebulized medications
Make sure to wear all your #PPE. This is why we need mask, gloves, goggles & gowns #GetMePPE #SafetyFirst
#COVID19 is NOT just a disease among elderly patients. Any age can have it! Evidence from South Korea & Italy highlight this.
Italy - older population, tested only symptomatic patients
South Korea - younger population, tested everyone

Young people ARE susceptible to COVID-19 and are in fact carriers of the disease. They also appear to be largely asymptomatic. Consider lowering your threshold for wearing #PPE with this population. #SocialDistancing #PhysicalDistancing #GetMePPE…

The virus also affects kids but their presentations are different.
Symptoms include:
Cough: 49%
Throat swelling: 46%
Fever: 41%
Less common ones (<10%) include diarrhea, fatigue, runny nose & vomiting
They too can be contagious. #SocialDistancing…
In Canada, don’t be fooled into a false sense of security b/c our case numbers are low. There is a bottleneck of available test & turnaround times.
Additionally, cases are not limited to travellers. We are starting to see cases of #CommunitySpread!…

While it needs a living host to replicate, it can remain viable for hours on different materials.
In the air - 3hrs
On Copper - 4hrs
On Cardboard - 24hrs
On Stainless steel - 48hrs
On Plastic - 72hrs
Disinfect constantly #BePrepared…

But there are reasons to be optimistic:
1)Social Distancing works
2)China reports decreasing incidence of COVID19
3)Researchers @Sunnybrook have isolated the virus which will help with testing, treatments & vaccines
4)Vaccines & drug trials are ongoing…
So yes we are in for some tough times ahead. And yes I am still worried.
But we will get through this. Our training, skills & expertise have prepared us for this. Communities are coming together, united in our fight, confident in our own abilities.

So here is my final message to everyone there.
"We are at work for you. Please stay at home for us."
#SocialDistancing #COVID19 #StayHomeWhenYourAreSick
#SelfIsolation #StaySafeStayHome #StayHomeCanada #FlattenTheCurve #Paramedics