(1) Over the past few decades, the GOP morphed from a conservative party into a reactionary party.
(2) Trump created (and fanned the flames) of what political psychologist @JonHaidt and @karen_stenner call an Authoritarian Dynamic.
About a third of the population have what these psychologists call an authoritarian disposition.
Conservatives are averse to change. They prefer stability & status quo.

Those with authoritarian dispositions prefer sameness and uniformity and have “cognitive limitations.” They’re “simpleminded avoiders of complexity.”
A normative threat is something that threatens “sameness and order.”
When confronted with a normative threat, those with an authoritarian disposition have a strong reaction.
Trump governs by creating normative threats.
He deliberately keeps the authoritarians riled.
Most of us roll our eyes. His base gets riled. They think he's the strongman trying to protect him while the media and Democrats (defined as anyone who opposes Trump) are trying to hamstring him.
A: The only way would be to stop creating normative threats, and he can’t stop. He needs to keep his base riled.
He knows if he keeps his 33% stirred to anger and fury, he has a lot of power.
See 👇
Before the Democrats embraced civil rights, the white South was Democratic.
So was the KKK and other white supremacists.
The GOP welcomed them all. To expand its base & bring the white South into the GOP. . .
What happened next in a nutshell: The authoritarians grew increasingly powerful & took over the party.
So two things happened at once:
🔹The GOP morphed into a right wing authoritarian party
🔹Trump creates normative threats to keep them riled.
And here we are.
I did the research while writing my Making of America series.
Or see @KevinMKruse, who knows more about it than I do.