"Ike set up the CIA"
All I know is that Harry Truman, the most underrated President of them all, hated Ike. Could not stand the man.
"Plain Speaking" - recommended
"They never thought Truman would win"
Interesting that Sinise played him...
"but before they could do that, they had to bring all the banks in, under one banking system"
As @KikiTBird pointed out, Santa has been increasing his follower count by 1 each of the last 3 days. Today 137. Tomorrow it will be at 138?
Corresponding to #Q 135 thru 138
1999, thanks to Russell Jay Gould & David Winn Miller:
We have "a global federal government system and it is based in TRUTH. ...mathematically certifiable grammar...it has its own elemental chart and periodic table..."
How incredibly cool is that? 🤓
"Russell Jay Gould...I'm sorry, Russell-Jay : Gould..."
Q, or Santa, talked about every bit of syntax matters
We've repeatedly seen "typos" from The President. And Santa.
...this is indeed very exciting...

- - - - -
Saw an unusual word today, researched and retweeted it:
"littoral" -- what does that sound like? Literal. Exact syntax.
"Littoral" = 7-x-8
"Nothing can stop what is coming."
It is already done.
We've been under a new system since 1999.
A system based on TRUTH.
Also explains why we are watching a movie.
Already a done deal.
Only thing left to do is to educate the #Normies
Because I've trusted The President, #Q and Santa
When you follow other random accounts, you end up like @dixiedoodle12
Or you end up like @99freemind
Or some of the anti-vaxxers that are all freaked out over nothing
"They want your guns NEXT..."
"And once you give up that up, you will give up EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT. They will take it from you. You see the people of Great Britain? What do they have? NOTHING. THEY HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING."
"There's a lot of people in our country who claim to be heroes. There's lots of men...and women out there, that served in the Armed Forces that are heroes. ...Well, now it's time for some REAL HEROES to step up to the plate and defend this entire system. Where are you?"
"After the Twin Towers were dropped, we went right into Afghanistan. And this is an oil robbery, guys. There's no weapons of mass destruction there. That's all bullshit. Full blown bullshit..."
"And it's high time we took a damn good look at it."
"This can't be held secret at the senior levels any more."
"Russell" = 8-x-7 -- the flip of 7-x-8
"Gould" = 9-x-5 -- the highest idealism, married to truth
Total: 9-3-3 -- William Moon's tweet of March 11, at 9:33 (entire tweet added up to 9-3-3 as well)
My analysis comment HAS BEEN DELETED btw (not by me)

Three 6-1-7 themed Santa tweets in a row today.
So many 6-1-7 's within those tweets that the odds were 500,000 to one against it being a fluke.
And it was on the 6-7 day for someone in a 5 year.
Nov 25, 1960 --> 11 + 25 + 2020 + 1 = 5 year