A lot of them look and sound...not great.
As someone who has done more Skype interviews with media than the average bear, some tips: (1/10) #COVID19 #FlattenTheCurve
- Test your audio beforehand. Skype has a function for this (Echo Call Testing Service).
Speaking of audio... (5/10)
- There will inevitably be a delay between you and the interviewer. Don’t rush your answers, let their question “breathe” for a second. Speak in whole thoughts, but don’t get carried away. (9/10)
Keep up the good work. We’ll get through this together. (10/10)
- If at all possible, stand up. Your posture and body language will benefit. This doesn't have to be a high tech set-up, we did 100s of Skype hits in 2017 from a laptop on top of a cardboard box.
Good luck!