Some people think defeating Trump solves everything and we can go back to "normal."
Normal was schoolkids massacred, millions without healthcare, kids in cages, climate crisis, severe inequality, forever wars...
In the Bush era, countless people died for a war based on lies that many Dems supported. Civil liberties were violated, babies were droned ... and under Obama and Pelosi, those policies were CONTINUED and EXPANDED. Bush is now beloved by Dem leaders.
Crooked GOP lawmakers have been destroying our checks and balances for decades. Voter suppression, emboldening white supremacists, stacking the courts, spewing rightwing propaganda through their massive media network (Fox, Limbaugh, Sinclair, etc.)
The Democratic Party establishment has been content with performative opposition, and sadly, many voters have rewarded them. Not a day goes by that Nancy Pelosi isn't hailed as a brilliant tactician. But she consistently enabled both Bush and Trump.
For #NotMeUs, the objective is to overhaul the ENTIRE system, not to pretend Trump is some aberration. In fact, Trump embodies the establishment mindset. Greed. Lust for power. Fealty to plutocrats. Treating the working class as expendable peasants.
Yes, we must defeat Trump. It is absolutely imperative. He is a monster.
But no, we're not going to do it with the same Democratic politicians who have played a role in getting us into this hellish mess. Understanding that is understanding #NotMeUs.