Rule 1: Listen to your scientists! Public Health experts should do daily briefings NOT @realDonaldTrump or @VP Politicians must step aside and let scientists lead the war against #COVID19 @DrDzul @ProfAdeeba

eg Clear Florida’s beaches.
China lockdown the #COVID19 epicenter #Wuhan and sent 40,000 HealthCare Providers #HCP to assist

Facilitated 4 companies to make #CovidTests.
#DriveThru facilitated widespread testing.
US like M’sia must ramp up testing.
Protect the tester with appropriate #PPENow #SafetyFirst #ProtectHealthCareWorkers

Manual and paper tracing is jurassic and labor intensive.
GPS alerts of #CovidPositive where-abouts previous 48 hrs (ethical issues here)... to be ctd

Home isolation is a failed policy. 4 in a family of 7 died in New Jersey.
The 2 Sarawak ladies who returned from Italy, tested positive, and infected 10 other people including 3 first degree relatives who died

It will guarantee that the #COVID patient is quarantined and not loose into the community spreading the virus.
In South Korea, your where-about is tracked closely with GPS and if you break the quarantine you will be fined USD8,000.

Like #SocialDistancing and #handwashing the #Mask4All policy has somewhat contributed to Asia better flattening the epidemic curve.