One such angels is Israfil the Angel of Resurrection
It is said the horn will be blown twice, one to mark the end the world and a second time to resurrect the dead.
Then when Israfil blows again all will be resurrected and the Day of Judgement begins.
God also makes Israfil custodian of the mountains and winds.
It is also on account on the beautiful praises, the angel is believed to be the muezzin of heaven.
The tears of Israfil threaten to flood the Earth, but God restrains their flow.
He is said to have four wings.
This is also how Israfil is commonly depicted in art.
Such talismans are used to bind the jinn kings
Life goes on.
And so Muslims often held a pragmatic approach to the end. It comes when it does. Be mindful of the end, but do not let it consume