Summary: daily deaths and cases are increasing, but the growth is relatively slow so far. We’re also now probably seeing the effects of social distancing: it’s working, and we *must* keep it up as hard as we can.
We’re likely to see the daily increase grow for weeks. What’s important is the *rate* of growth, and keeping it low as possible.
While we continue to be up against a severe lack of testing, meaning there are many more cases than we know, this is a sign that growth isn’t spiking.
This doesn’t mean we’ve hit the peak -- we haven’t. But it strongly suggests slow growth. By this point in Italy’s outbreak, new deaths were increasing by 100s every day.
That means social distancing has been enforced for about two weeks. We’re now almost certainly seeing far fewer cases and deaths than we would be without it.
It’s working.
Without stats on who has died, we can’t say why -- but I wonder what bearing class and race has on the discrepancy.…
The policies put in place by our city leaders - before COVID-19 and now - have been tragically insufficient to protect them.
It's not easy to read, but it's crucial to understand why rigorous social distancing continues to be so critical.…

Resources are desperately needed elsewhere -- let’s be a city that can share with places that need help.